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Corporate Academy
Corporate Academy

Academic leadership I

In-depth development for new leaders

Leadership within academia is challenging, especially as a beginning leader in the position of assistant professor. You are about a year into your academic career as assistant professor and how do you ensure that you develop as an academic, but also as a manager/leader? In both roles, in a broad sense, more and more is expected of you. At the same time, you often lead without actual power. How can you gain influence nonetheless? How can you help people to develop and how do you build networks? Where are your priorities and how do you keep an overview? How do you create connections? How do other people do this? In this five-day English training course - with a practical approach - you will develop personal/individual leadership skills and learn to apply them effectively within your own context.


The training course consists of two two-day modules and a return day. During the first two days, you will map out your personal leadership style and get to know other styles. In addition, we will practice with daily examples from your own day-to-day practice using theory provided during the training. After the first module, there is time to apply your new knowledge and skills in your work. In the second module, we look back on this, you acquire new knowledge about group dynamics and the exchange of practical examples is again an important part of the training. During the return day, we briefly review the theory provided in the first and second modules, exchange experiences and practice with case studies in various forms of peer coaching.

Competences (based on UFO and Image board on leadership at the University of Groningen)

✓ Personal effectiveness
●     planning and organizing
●     taking initiative
●     receiving guidance and feedback

✓ Communicating
●     listening
●     asking questions
●     dialogue skills

✓ Organizational awareness
●     adaptability
●     being alert to signals
●     acting based on the situation
●     understanding differences between people (diversity)

✓ Coaching
●     providing trust

✓ Result-driven management
✓ Networking skills


On completion of this training course:
✓ you will have got to know yourself better as a leader and taken your leadership skills to the next level;
✓ you will know what situational leadership is and be able to use it effectively;
✓ you have more insight into the aspects of group dynamics, decision making and effective cooperation within teams;
✓ you have mastered various styles of communication, coaching and intervision;
✓ you will be able to secure contracts, give feedback and prioritize;
✓ you have worked on your personal effectiveness and set concrete learning goals for the period after the training.

What past participants have valued most:
✓ reflecting on own leadership skills;
✓ sharing experiences with peers;
✓ building a network among peers within the university;
✓ learning various communication, feedback, and coaching styles;
✓ space for input on real-life situations.

More information


Tuesday 8 and Wednesday 9 October 2024
Tuesday 19 and Wednesday 20 November 2024
Thursday January 23, 2025

Thursday 27 and Friday 28 February 2025
Wednesday 26 and Thursday 27 March 2025
Thursday May 15, 2025

All days are from 9am to 5pm and include vegetarian lunch.


9 a.m. - 5 p.m.


Van der Valk Hotel Groningen - Hoogkerk
Borchsingel 53
9766PP Eelderwolde

Target group

Assistant professors with at least one year of working experience in this position

Group size

Maximum of 12 participants

Language of instruction


Course fee

€ 1750


Trainer: Daan Klein 

Co-trainer: Anna Regina Groeneveld-Jousma

More information

Anna Regina Groeneveld-Jousma

Last modified:26 July 2024 10.46 a.m.
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