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Animal Experiments at the RUG

Animal Experiments Policy

Animal testing is currently necessary for scientific research, for example for the development of medication. At the same time, the University of Groningen recognizes that animals have an intrinsic value. For that purpose, researchers from the RUG and the UMCG must also take into account the interests of animals and not just those of humans and science.

In the event of a conflict of interest between humans and animals, an ethically justified assessment must be made. That is why animal testing can only be carried out under a license granted by the Competent Authority (Centrale Commissie Dierproeven, CCD) and only after a scientific and ethical review by an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (Dierexperimenten commissie, DEC-RUG). All animal testing is conducted in accordance with the Law on Animal Experiments and coordinated with the Animal Welfare Body (Instantie voor Dierenwelzijn, IvD). Designated veterinarians from the University of Groningen and inspectors from the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority then check the course of research with laboratory animals and ensure that researchers and teachers comply with the Law on Animal Experiments.

In addition, the RUG endorses the Code for Transparency in Animal Testing. In this way the RUG meets the social need for more openness about the use of laboratory animals in scientific research.

The RUG employs two designated veterinarians who can advise researchers on the best design of animal research and who supervise the correct treatment of the animals.

Last modified:13 March 2020 12.22 a.m.
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