Corporate logo red CMYK
CMYK is used for full-colour printing.
N.B. ‘RUG red’, the colour used in the University of Groningen house style, is PMS 186C. The CMYK value of this colour is 0c100M80y0k. The value generated automatically by some software through translation of the PMS value may differ from this value! Always check such a translation! If the generated value is different, use the official value.
EPS: vector-based format intended for use in printing, lettering and other applications. Most staff members of the University of Groningen do not have access to the software required to open these files.
Dutch EPS files:
Dowload the horizontal version (this is the preferred version!).
Download the vertical version (to be used only if the preferred version does not suit your purpose).
English EPS files:
Download the horizontal version (this is the preferred version!).
Download the vertical version (to be used only if the preferred version does not suit your purpose).
Last modified: | 12 May 2023 11.52 a.m. |