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About us Organization Quality assurance Education Policy Enlight

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You can always reach out to us at For more specfic matters, you may reach out to our colleagues directly involved in matters regarding Education, Research and Innovation, and XTRA. We will be glad to look into these matters together.

Nati Mansilla Ovejero


Nati Mansilla Ovejero

Our goal in ENLIGHT is to create an open space for learning to gain access to the best courses and teaching offer in all disciplines across our nine ENLIGHT universities, for the different levels, from Bachelor to PhD. Some key aspects of the ENLIGHT offer are interdisciplinarity and challenge-based. In this context several ENLIGHT short programmes have been developed, see the offer. Next to that, all ENLIGHT partners have high-quality courses on offer, which are showcased in the online Course Catalogue.

For staff involved in education there are also possibilities for professional development and support in the interaction with peers in ENLIGHT to develop educational initiatives together. There are also some funding opportunities for that.

Do you have any questions, or you would like to know more about Education? Please contact Nati at

Elmer Sterken

Research and Innoviation (RISE)

Wiebe Zijlstra

Research and Innovation mainly includes activities for the research support staff. The project is also focused on stimulating research cooperation between researchers of the ENLIGHT consortium. The project is funded by EU funds of Horizon 2020. ENLIGHT RISE gives researchers and support staff the opportunity to cooperate in new research projects and learn from each other in research support activities. If this interests you, or you would like find out more about project oppurtunites, please reach out.

Contact Wiebe at

Jodien Houwers
Jodien Houwers


Jodien Houwers

XTRA was created to support the development of the academic collaboration and support services in the ENLIGHT consortium. They help to foster cooperation between ENLIGHT partners and contribute to the strengthening and sustainability of the ENLIGHT consortium. XTRA supports starting initiatives for collaboration between ENLIGHT partners, specifically when linked to the ENLIGHT flagship areas: Health and Well-being, Digitization, Climate Change, Energy and Circular Economy and Equity.

Do you have any questions, or you would like to know more about XTRA? Contact Jodien at

Last modified:26 March 2024 2.45 p.m.