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Brakman, Prof. Steven

Steven Brakman
Steven Brakman

Steven Brakman is professor of international economics. He studied economics at the University of Groningen and became a professor there in 2003. ‘The term globalization appeals to the imagination more than “international economics”’, according to Brakman. ‘But in fact globalization is one of the areas where international economics can be applied. We use the knowledge, ideas and models to study the consequences of globalization: the world supposedly getting smaller.’ Brakman is often invited to discussions, by anti-globalists too, about the pros and cons of globalization. ‘Great fun, as these groups tend to have the fiercest discussions,’ he says. ‘They are wrong, however. The main misconceptions are that globalization is something new, is developing rapidly and is resulting in exploitation. Globalization has always been there, and exploitation has other causes, such as domestic technological progress.’

One of the topics Brakman is working on is the development and application of international trade theory. ‘Why are there not only huge differences between countries, but also between regions within countries? Why is the Randstad one big conurbation while the North is so empty? We examine which company behaviours lead to the development of conurbations. The old models assume that all companies behave in the same way. It has recently been shown that differences between companies in fact lead to specific settlement patterns.’

Brakman is regularly hired as an expert business consultant. He also publishes frequently on the economists site Me Judice.


  • Is stimuleren Groningse economie zinvol? (Dutch; Nieuwsuur, 10 maart 2014)
  • Brakman over ethisch bankieren (Dutch; Nieuwsuur, 29 maart 2012)

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Brakman, S., Kohl, T., & van Marrewijk, C. (2024). Demography and Income in the 21st Century: A Long-Run Perspective. (CESifo Working Papers; No. 11108). CESifo.
Brakman, S., Kohl, T., & van Marrewijk, C. (2024). DemoGravity: World Population and Trade in the 21st Century. (CESifo Working Papers; No. 11262). CESifo.


Brakman, S., Garretsen, H., & Kohl, T. (2023). EXITitis in the UK: Gravity Estimates in the Aftermath of Brexit. De Economist, 171, 185–206.
Beugelsdijk, S., Brakman, S., Garretsen, H., van Marrewijk, C., & Murtinu, S. (2023). International Economics and Business: Nations and Firms in the Global Economy. (3rd ed.) Cambridge University Press.
Brakman, S., Hendrich, T., van Marrewijk, C., & Olsen, J. (2023). On the revealed comparative advantages of Dutch cities. Review of International Economics, 31(3), 785-825.
Brakman, S., Garretsen, H., van Marrewijk, C., & Witteloostuijn ,van, A. (2023). The Location of Cross-Border and National Mergers & Acquisitions within the US. Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 32(1), 177-206.
Nguyen, D., Brakman, S., Garretsen, H., & Kohl, T. (2023). What's in a Name? Initial Geography and German Urban Development. (CESifo Working Papers; Vol. 10435). CESifo.


Brakman, S., Hendrich, T., van Marrewijk, C., & Olsen, J. (2022). Is Holland a Lumpy Country? An application of the Lens-Condition to Dutch Cities. Economist-Netherlands, 170(3), 305-321.
Brakman, S., & van Marrewijk, C. (2022). Tasks, occupations and slowbalisation: on the limits of fragmentation. Cambridge journal of regions economy and society, 15(2), 407–436.
van Marrewijk, C., & Brakman, S. (2022). The Economics of Developing and Emerging Markets. Cambridge University Press.


Bohn, T., Brakman, S., & Dietzenbacher, E. (2022). Who’s afraid of Virginia Wu? US employment footprints and self-sufficiency. Economic Systems Research, 34(4), 469-490.
Coulson, E., Brakman, S., Faggian, A., & Murata, Y. (2021). COVID-19 and regional economies: An introduction to the special issue INTRODUCTION. Journal of Regional Science, 61(4), 691-695.
Brakman, S., Garretsen, H., & Kohl, T. (2021). EXITitis in the UK: Gravity Estimates in the Aftermath of Brexit. (CESifo Working Papers; No. 9292). CESifo.
Bohn, T., Brakman, S., & Dietzenbacher, E. (2021). From exports to value added to income: Accounting for bilateral income transfers. Journal of International Economics, 131, Article 103496.
Brakman, S., Garretsen, H., & van Marrewijk, C. (2021). New Economic Geography After 30 Years. In M. M. Fischer, & P. Nijkamp (Eds.), Handbook of Regional Science: Second and Extended Edition: With 238 Figures and 78 Tables (pp. 1223-1245). Springer Berlin / Heidelberg.
Brakman, S., Garretsen, H., & van Witteloostuijn , A. (2021). Robots do not get coronavirus: The COVID-19 pandemic and the international division of labor. Journal of International Business Studies, 52, 1215–1224.
Brakman, S., Hu, S., & Van Marrewijk, C. (2021). Urban development in China: On the sorting of skills. Journal of international trade & economic development, 30(6), 793-817.


Brakman, S., Garretsen, H., & van Marrewijk, C. (2020). An Introduction to Geographical and Urban Economics: A Spiky World. (3 ed.) Cambridge University Press.
Brakman, S., Garretsen, H., van Maarseveen, R., & Zwaneveld, P. (2020). Firm heterogeneity and exports in the Netherlands: Identifying export potential beyond firm productivity. Journal of international trade & economic development, 29(1), 36-68.
Brakman, S., & van Marrewijk, C. (2020). International Trade, Finance and Development. In J. Y. Abor, R. Lensink, & C. K. D. Adjasi (Eds.), Contemporary Issues in Development Finance (pp. 351-384). Routledge.
Garretsen, H., Brakman, S., & Witteloostuijn ,van, A. (2020). The turn from just-in-time to just-in-case globalization in and after times of COVID-19 an essay on the risk re-appraisal of borders and buffers. Social Sciences & Humanities Open, 2(1), 1-6.


Brakman, S., & van Marrewijk, C. (2019). Heterogeneous country responses to the Great Recession: the role of supply chains. Review of World Economics, 155(4), 677-705.
Terzidis, N., Brakman, S., & Ortega - Argiles, R. (2019). Labour markets, trade and technological progress. A meta-study. (CESifo Working Papers - Category 4: Labour Markets). CESifo.
Brakman, S., Frankopan, P., Garretsen, H., & van Marrewijk, C. (2019). The New Silk Roads: an introduction to China's Belt and Road Initiative. Cambridge journal of regions economy and society, 12(1), 3-16.
Brakman, S., Garretsen, H., & Kohl, T. (2019). Tinbergen en de Nobelprijzen voor internationale handel. TPEdigitaal, 13(1), 1-7.


Brakman, S. (2018). China and geography. In S. Brakman, C. van Marrewijk, P. J. Morgan, & N. Salike (Eds.), China in the Local and Global Economy: History, Geography, Politics and Sustainability (pp. 77-92). Routledge.
Brakman, S., van Marrewijk, C., Morgan, P. J., & Salike, N. (Eds.) (2018). China in the local and global economy: History, geography, politics and sustainability. (Regions and Cities). Routledge.
Brakman, S., Garretsen, J., & Kohl, T. (2018). Consequences of Brexit and options for a ‘Global Britain’. Papers in Regional Science, 97(1), 55-72. Article 3.
Brakman, S., & van Marrewijk, C. (2018). Space and international business. In G. Cook, J. Johns, F. McDonald, J. Beaverstock, & N. Pandit (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to the Geography of International Business (pp. 27-42). Routledge.
Bohn, T., Brakman, S., & Dietzenbacher, E. (2018). The role of services in globalisation. World Economy, 41(10), 2732-2749.


Brakman, S., & Van Marrewijk, C. (2017). A closer look at revealed comparative advantage: Gross-versus value-added trade flows. Papers in Regional Science, 96(1), 61-92.
Brakman, S., Garretsen, J., & Kohl, T. (2017). Consequences of Brexit and Options for a "Global Britain". (CESifo Working Paper; No. 6648). CESifo.
Brakman, S., & Garretsen, H. (2017). Economics without equilibrium. Regional Studies, 51(4), 655-658.
Brakman, S., Garretsen, H., & Kohl, T. (2017). Globalisering vs Rutte III: 2-1. TPEdigitaal, 11, 63-67.
van Bergeijk, P. A. G., Brakman, S., & van Marrewijk, C. (2017). Heterogeneous economic resilience and the great recession's world trade collapse. Papers in Regional Science, 96(1), 3-+.
Brakman, S., Garretsen, H., & Zhao, Z. (2017). Spatial concentration of manufacturing firms in China. Papers in Regional Science, 96, S179-U214.


Brakman, S., Garretsen, H., & Oumer, A. (2016). Town Twinning and German City Growth. Regional Studies, 50(8), 1420-1432.
Brakman, S., Garretsen, H., & Van Marrewijk, C. (2016). Urban development in China. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 9(3), 467-477.


Kohl, T., Brakman, S., & Garretsen, J. (2016). Do Trade Agreements Stimulate International Trade Differently? Evidence from 296 Trade Agreements. World Economy, 39(1), 97-131.
Brakman, S., & Van Marrewijk, C. (2015). Factor prices and geographical economics. In C. Karlsson, M. Anderson, & T. Norman (Eds.), Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Economic Geography (pp. 67-82). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Brakman, S., van Marrewijk, C., & Partridge, M. (2015). Local Consequences of Global Production Processes. Journal of Regional Science, 55(1), 1-9.
Brakman, S., Garretsen, H., & van Marrewijk, C. (2015). Regional resilience across Europe: On urbanisation and the initial impact of the Great Recession . Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 8(2), 225-240.
Brakman, S., Kohl, T., & Marrewijk, C. V. (2015, Nov 13). The Impact of the Transatlantic Trade & Investment Partnership (TTIP) on Low Income Countries: Agreement Heterogeneity and Supply Chain Linkages.
Brakman, S., Garretsen, H., & Oumer, A. (2015). Town twinning and German city growth. CESifo DICE Report, 13(4), 48-54.


Brakman, S., Garretsen, J., & van Marrewijk, C. (2014). New economic geography: Endogenizing location in an international trade model. In M. Fischer, & P. Nijkamp (Eds.), Handbook of regional science (pp. 569-589). Springer.


Brakman, S., Garretsen, H., van Marrewijk, C., & van Witteloostuijn, A. (2013). Cross-border merger & acquisition activity and revealed comparative advantage in manufacturing industries. Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 22(1), 28-57.
Kohl, T., Brakman, S., & Garretsen, J. H. (2013). Do trade agreements stimulate international trade differently? Evidence from 296 trade agreements. (CESifo Working Papers). CESifo.
Beugelsdijk, S., Brakman, S., Garretsen, J. H., & van Ees, H. (2013). Firms in the international economy: Firm heterogeneity meets international business. MIT Press.
Beugelsdijk, S., Brakman, S., Garretsen, J. H., & van Marrewijk, C. (2013). International economics and business: Nations and firms in the global economy. Cambridge University Press.
Brakman, S., & van Marrewijk, C. (2013). Lumpy countries, urbanization, and trade. Journal of International Economics, 89(1), 252-261.
Brakman, S., & van Marrewijk, C. (2013). Reflections on cluster policies. Cambridge journal of regions economy and society, 6(2), 217-231.
Brakman, S., Inklaar, R., & Van Marrewijk, C. (2013). Structural change in OECD comparative advantage. Journal of international trade & economic development, 22(6), 817-838.


Partridge, M. D., Boarnet, M., Brakman, S., & Ottaviano, G. (2012). Introduction: Whither spatial econometrics? Journal of Regional Science, 52(2), 161-171.
Bosker, M., Brakman, S., Garretsen, H., & Schramm, M. (2012). Relaxing Hukou: Increased labor mobility and China's economic geography. Journal of Urban Economics, 72(2-3), 252-266.
Brakman, S., Garretsen, H., van Marrewijk, C., & Oumer, A. (2012). The border population effects of EU integration. Journal of Regional Science, 52(1), 40-59.


Brakman, S., Garretsen, J. H., & van Marrewijk, C. (2011). References across the fence: measuring the dialogue between economists and geographers. Journal of Economic Geography, 11(2), 371-385.


Bosker, E. M., Brakman, S., Garretsen, J. H., & Schramm, M. (2010). Adding geography to the new economic geography: Bridging the gap between theory and empirics. Journal of Economic Geography, 10(6), 793-823.
Brakman, S., & van Witteloostuijn, A. (2010). Burger vervreemdt van een overheid die voor bedrijfje gaat spelen. NRC Handelsblad.
Brakman, S., Garita, G., Garretsen, J. H., & van Marrewijk, C. (2010). Economic and financial integration and the rise of cross-border M&As. In P. A. G. van Bergeijk, & S. Brakman (Eds.), The Gravity model in international trade (pp. 296-323). Cambridge University Press.
Brakman, S., Bosker, E. M., Garretsen, J. H., & Schramm, M. (2010). Relaxing Hukou: Increased labor mobility and China's economic geography. (8106 ed.) (CEPR Discussion Papers; Vol. 8106). CEPR.
Brakman, S., & Inklaar, R. (2010). Structural change in OECD comparative advantage. (CESifo Working Papers; Vol. 3033). CESifo.
Brakman, S., & van Bergeijk, P. A. G. (2010). The comeback of the Gravity model. In S. Brakman, & P. A. G. Bergeijk (Eds.), The Gravity model in prospect and retrospect Cambridge University Press.
Brakman, S., & van Bergeijk, P. A. G. (2010). The Gravity model in prospect and retrospect. Cambridge University Press.
Brakman, S., Garretsen, J. H., & de Jong, H. J. (2010). Urbanisatie in het premoderne Italie, 1300-1861; De dynamiek van urbanisatie patronen. In G. Collenteur, M. Duijvendak, R. Paping, & H. de Vries (Eds.), Stad en regio, Liber Amicorum voor prof.dr. Pim Kooij (pp. 333 - 344). Koninklijke Van Gorcum.
Brakman, S. (2010). We winnen ook door globalisering. Brabants Dagblad, 14 - 15.
Brakman, S., & van Witteloostuijn, A. (2010). Xenofobie is desastrues voor de Europese economie. NRC Handelsblad.


Brakman, S., Garretsen, J. H., & van Marrewijk, C. (2009). Economic geography within and between European nations: The role of market potential and density across space and time. Journal of Regional Science, 49(4), 777-800.
Brakman, S., & van Marrewijk, C. (2009). INTRODUCTION: HETEROGENEITY AT DIFFERENT SPATIAL SCALES*. Journal of Regional Science, 49(4), 607-615.
Brakman, S., van Marrewijk, C., & van Witteloostuijn, A. (2009). Market liberalization in the natural gas market. (CESifo Working Papers; Vol. 2697). CESifo.
Brakman, S., & van Marrewijk, C. (2009). The economics of international transfers. Cambridge University Press.
Brakman, S., Garretsen, J. H., & van Marrewijk, C. (2009). The new introduction to geographical economics. Cambridge University Press.
Brakman, S., & Garretsen, H. (2009). Trade and Geography: Paul Krugman and the 2008 Nobel Prize for Economics. Spatial Economic Analysis, 4(1), 5-23.


Bosker, M., Brakman, S., Garretsen, H., & Schramm, M. (2008). A century of shocks: The evolution of the German city size distribution 1925-1999. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 38(4), 330-347.
Brakman, S., Garretsen, J. H., & van Marrewijk, C. (2008). Agglomeration and government spending. In S. Brakman, & H. Garretsen (Eds.), Foreign direct investment and the multinational enterprise (pp. 89-116). MIT Press.
Brakman, S., & Garretsen, J. H. (2008). Foreign direct investment and the multinational enterprise. MIT Press.
Brakman, S., & Garretsen, J. H. (2008). Introduction. In J. H. Garretsen, & S. Brakman (Eds.), Foreign direct investment and the multinational enterprise (pp. 1 - 11). MIT Press.
Brakman, S., & van Marrewijk, C. (2008). It's a big world after all: On the economic impact of location and distance. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 1(3), 411-437.
Brakman, S., Garretsen, J. H., & van Marrewijk, C. (2008). Nobelprijs economie voor Paul Krugman. Economische Statistische Berichten, 93(4546), 660 - 664.
Bosker, E. M., Brakman, S., Garretsen, J. H., de Jong, H. J., & Schramm, M. (2008). Ports, plagues, and politics: Explaining Italian city growth 1300-1861. European Review of Economic History, 12(1), 97-131.
Alsem, K. J., Brakman, S., Hoogduin, L., & Kuper, G. (2008). The impact of newspapers on consumer confidence: Does spin bias exist? Applied Economics, 40(5), 531-539.
Brakman, S., Garita, G., Garretsen, J. H., & van Marrewijk, C. (2008). Unlocking the value of cross-border mergers and acquisitions. (CESifo Working Papers; Vol. 2294). CESifo.


Brakman, S., Bosker, M., Schramm, M., & Garretsen, H. (2007). Adding geography to the new economic geography. (CESifo Working Papers; No. 2038). CESifo.
Brakman, S., van Marrewijk, C., & Garretsen, H. (2007). Agglomeration and aid. In S. Lahiri (Ed.), Frontiers of economics and globalization: Theory and practice of foreign aid (pp. 31 - 53). Elsevier.
Witteloostuijn ,van, A., Brakman, S., van den Born, A., van Marrewijk, C., & Jong, de, G. (2007). An evaluation of the strategy change at Stegeman: From leader to follower? University of Groningen.
Brakman, S., van Marrewijk, C., & Garretsen, H. (2007). Cross-border mergers and acquisitions: The facts as a guide for international economics. In G. N. Gregoriou, & L. Renneboog (Eds.), International mergers and acquisitions activity since 1990 (pp. 23 - 49). Academic Press.
Brakman, S., & van Marrewijk, C. (2007). Empirie van de economische geografie. Economisch Statistische Berichten, juli, 22 - 26.
Brakman, S., & Garretsen, H. (2007). From theory to estimation and back: The empirical relevance of new economic geography. In B. Fingleton (Ed.), New directions in economic geography (pp. 98-129). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Brakman, S., & van Marrewijk, C. (2007). It's a big world after all. (CESifo working paper; No. 1964). CESifo.
Bosker, M., Brakman, S., Garretsen, H., & Schramm, M. (2007). Looking for multiple equilibria when geography matters: German city growth and the WWII shock. Journal of Urban Economics, 61(1), 152-169.
Bosker, M., Brakman, S., de Jong, H. J., Schramm, M., & Garretsen, H. (2007). The development of cities in Italy 1300-1861. (CESifo Working Papers; Vol. 1893). CESifo.
Brakman, S., & van Marrewijk, C. (2007). Transfers, nontraded goods, and unemployment: An analysis of the Keynes-Ohlin debate. History of Political Economy, 39(1), 121-143.
Witteloostuijn , van, A., Brakman, S., & van Marrewijk, C. (2007). Welfare distribution effect of a price reduction in the Dutch gas transport market: A scenario analysis of regulatory policy, market form and rent allocation. Energy Policy, 35(12), 6299-6308.


Brakman, S., & van Marrewijk, C. (2006). China is nog lang geen economische wereldmacht. Geografie, 15, 14 - 17.
Brakman, S., Garretsen, H., & van Merrewijk, C. (2006). Comparative advantage, cross-border mergers and merger waves: International economics meets industrial organization. CESifo Forum, 7(1), 22-26.
Brakman, S., van Marrewijk, C., & Garretsen, H. (2006). Industrial location and competitiveness. In A. K. Vaidya (Ed.), Globalization: Encyclopedia of trade, labor, and politics, Vol. 1 ABC-CLIO.
Brakman, S., van Marrewijk, C., van Witteloostuijn, A., & Garretsen, H. (2006). Nations and firms in the global economy: An introduction into international economics and business. Cambridge University Press.
Brakman, S., & Garretsen, H. (2006). New economic geography: Closing the gap between theory and empirics. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 36(5), 569-572.
Brakman, S., Garretsen, H., Schrannn, M., & Schramm, M. (2006). Putting new economic geography to the test: Free-ness of trade and agglomeration in the EU regions. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 36(5), 613-635.
Alsem, K. J., & Brakman, S. (2006). Reclame overdrijft. Tijdschrift voor Marketing, 76 - 77.


Brakman, S., van Marrewijk, C., & Garretsen, H. (2005). Cross-border mergers and acquizitions: On releaved comparative advantage and merger waves. (1602 ed.) CESifo.
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