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Koning, Prof. Ruud

Ruud Koning
Ruud Koning

Ruud Koning is Professor by Special Appointment in Sports Economics via the W.J.H. Mulier Institute (a centre for socioscientific sports research).  He graduated ‘cum laude’ in Econometrics at the University of Groningen in 1988 and in 1995 he gained his PhD at the same university with a thesis entitled ‘Essays on applied microeconometrics’.  Since then, he worked as Academy Researcher and spent time at Brown University in the US.  He has been active in research at the interface of economics, statistics and sport for a considerable time now, focusing, for example, on measurement and determination of competitive balance in different sports, market mechanisms in professional football (for the Ministry of Economic Affairs), and the informational content of prices on betting markets. He has extensive experience with  prediction models for analysing large-scale football tournaments. 'It should always be open season on doping, but it’s inherent to the sport,' according to Koning in a blog on the FEBlogs. 'Availability creates demand, and sportspeople will do anything to gain an edge in competition.'


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Post, A. K., Koning, R. H., Visscher, C., & Elferink-Gemser, M. T. (2024). Growing up and reaching for the top: A longitudinal study on swim performance and its underlying characteristics in talented swimmers. Journal of Sports Sciences, 42(2), 132-145.


de Boer, W. I. J., Mierau, J. O., & Koning, R. H. (2023). Do differences in sport participation contribute to socioeconomic health inequalities? Evidence from the Lifelines cohort study on all-cause mortality, diabetes and obesity. Preventive Medicine Reports, 36, Article 102479.
Menting, S. G. P., Post, A. K., Nijenhuis, S. B., Koning, R. H., Visscher, C., Hettinga, F. J., & Elferink-Gemser, M. T. (2023). Pacing behavior development in adolescent swimmers: A large-scale longitudinal data analysis. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 55(4), 700-709.
Post, A. K., Koning, R. H., Visscher, C., & Elferink-Gemser, M. T. (2023). Tracking performance and its underlying characteristics in talented swimmers: a longitudinal study during the junior-to-senior transition. Frontiers in Physiology, 14, Article 1221567.
Veldkamp, J., & Koning, R. H. (2023). Waiting to score. Conversion probability and the video assistant referee (VAR) in football penalty kicks. Journal of Sports Sciences, 41(18), 1692-1700.


Koning, R. H., & Zijm, R. (2023). Betting market efficiency and prediction in binary choice models. Annals of Operations Research, 325(1), 135–148.
Post, A. K., Koning, R. H., Visscher, C., & Elferink-Gemser, M. T. (2022). The importance of reflection and evaluation processes in daily training sessions for progression toward elite level swimming performance. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 61, Article 102219.


Koning, R., & Kesenne, S. (Eds.) (2021). A modern guide to sports economics. (Elgar Modern Guides ). Edward Elgar Publishing.
de Boer, W., Corpeleijn, E., Dekker, L., Mierau, J., & Koning, R. (2021). How is sport participation related to mortality, diabetes and prediabetes for different body mass index levels? Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 31(6), 1342-1351.
Koning, R. (2021). Individual home advantage with individual data. In M. A. Gómez-Ruano, R. Pollard, & C. Lago-Peñas (Eds.), Home advantage in sport causes and the effect on performance (pp. 251-259). Routledge.
Koning, R., & Kesenne, S. (2021). Introduction to a modern guide to sports economics. In R. H. Koning, & S. Kesenne (Eds.), A modern guide to sports economics (pp. 1-4). (Elgar Modern Guides ). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Koning, R., & van Steen, L. (2021). Red cards: (Mis)carriage of justice? In R. H. Koning, & S. Kesenne (Eds.), A modern guide to sports economics (pp. 269-280). (Elgar Modern Guides ). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Lifelines Corona Res Initiative, de Boer, W. I. J., Mierau, J. O., Schoemaker, J., Viluma, L., & Koning, R. H. (2021). The impact of the Covid-19 crisis on socioeconomic differences in physical activity behavior: Evidence from the Lifelines COVID-19 cohort study. Preventive Medicine, 153, Article 106823.


Koning, R. H., & van Ours, J. C. (2021). Editorial Introduction - How Sports Can Help Economics? Economist-Netherlands, 169, 1-3.
Joustra, S. J., Koning, R. H., & Krumer, A. (2021). Order Effects in Elite Gymnastics. Economist-Netherlands, 169, 21-35.
Post, A. K., Koning, R. H., Stoter, I. K., Visscher, C., & Elferink-Gemser, M. T. (2020). Interim Performance Progression (IPP) During Consecutive Season Best Performances of Talented Swimmers. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 2, Article 579008.


de Boer, W. I. J., Dekker, L., Koning, R., Navis, G., & Mierau, J. (2020). How are lifestyle factors associated with socioeconomic differences in health care costs? Evidence from full population data in the Netherlands: Evidence from full population data in the Netherlands. Preventive Medicine, 130, Article 105929.
Post, A. K., Koning, R. H., Visscher, C., & Elferink-Gemser, M. T. (2020). Multigenerational performance development of male and female top-elite swimmers-A global study of the 100 m freestyle event. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 30(3), 564-571.
Stoter, I. K., Koning, R. H., Visscher, C., & Elferink-Gemser, M. T. (2019). Creating performance benchmarks for the future elites in speed skating. Journal of Sports Sciences, 37(15), 1770-1777.
de Boer, W. I. J., Buskens, E., Koning, R. H., & Mierau, J. O. (2019). Neighborhood Socioeconomic Status and Health Care Costs: A Population-Wide Study in the Netherlands. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, 109(6), 927-933.


de Boer, W., Koning, R. H., & Mierau, J. O. (2019). Ex Ante and Ex Post Willingness to Pay for Hosting a Large International Sport Event. Journal of Sports Economics, 20(2), 159-176.
de Boer, W. I. J., Buskens, E., Koning, R. H., & Mierau, J. O. (2018). The Socioeconomic Gradient of Insured Healthcare Costs: a Population Wide Study of the Netherlands. European Journal of Public Health, 28(Suppl.4), 302-302.


de Boer, W. I. J., Koning, R. H., & Mierau, J. O. (2017). Ex-ante and ex-post willingness-to-pay for hosting a major cycling event. (SOM Research Reports; No. 17013-EEF). University of Groningen, SOM research school.
Koning, R. H., Mierau, J., & Peeters, T. (2017). Guest editors' introduction. International journal of sport finance, 12(3), 242-243.
Koning, R. H., Mierau, J., & Peeters, T. (2017). Guest Editors' Introduction. International journal of sport finance, 12(3), 242-243.
Albert, J., Glickman, M. E., Swartz, T. B., & Koning, R. H. (Eds.) (2017). Handbook of statistical methods and analyses in sports. (Handbooks of Modern Statistical Methods). Chapman & Hall/CRC Press.


Walraven, M., Bijmolt, T., Koning, R., & Los, B. (2016). Benchmarking Sports Sponsorship Performance: Efficiency Assessment With Data Envelopment Analysis. Journal of Sport Management, 30(4), 411-426.
Albert, J., Glickman, M. E., Swartz, T. B., & Koning, R. H. (2016). Preface. In J. Albert, M. E. Glickman, T. B. Swartz, & R. H. Koning (Eds.), Handbook of Statistical Methods and Analyses in Sports (pp. ix-xi). CRC Press.
Koning, R. H. (2016). Rating of team abilities in soccer. In J. Albert, M. E. Glickman, T. B. Swartz, & R. H. Koning (Eds.), Handbook of Statistical Methods and Analyses in Sports (pp. 355-371). CRC Press.
de Boer, M., van Dongen, R., Posthuma, D., & Koning, R. (2016). Wanneer is snel nu echt snel? Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde, 82(6), 182.


Rodríguez, P., Késenne, S., & Koning, R. (2015). Introduction. In P. Rodríguez, S. Késenne, & R. Koning (Eds.), The Economics of Competitive Sports (pp. 1-3). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Koning, R., & Achterhof, J. (2015). Live football demand. In P. Rodriguez, S. Kesenne, & R. H. Koning (Eds.), The Economics of Competitive Sport (pp. 93-109). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Rodriguez, P., Kesenne, S., & Koning, R. H. (2015). The economics of competitive sport. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Goossens, D. R., Kempeneers, J., Koning, R. H., & Spieksma, F. C. R. (2015). Winning in straight sets helps in Grand Slam tennis. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 15(3), 1007-1021.


Walraven, M., Bijmolt, T. H. A., & Koning, R. H. (2014). Dynamic Effects of Sponsoring: How Sponsorship Awareness Develops Over Time. Journal of Advertising, 43(2), 142-154.
Spierdijk, L., & Koning, R. H. (2014). Estimating Outstanding Claim Liabilities: The Role of Unobserved Risk Factors. Journal of risk and insurance, 81(4), 803-830.
Koning, R. H. (2014). Professional soccer in The Netherlands. In J. Goddard, & P. Sloan (Eds.), Handbook on the economics of football (pp. 336-350). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Gijsenberg, M., Walraven, M., Bijmolt, T., & Koning, R. H. (2014). Sport als Marketinginstrument. (CIC Rapport; Vol. 2014-03). CIC.
Koning, R. H., Matheson, V., Nathan, A., & Pantano, J. (2014). The long-term game: an analysis of the life expectancy of national football league players. International Journal of Financial Studies, 2, 168-178.


Thong Le Pham, N. V., Kooreman, P., Koning, R. H., & Wiersma, D. (2013). Gender patterns in Vietnam's child mortality. Journal of Population Economics, 26(1), 303-322.


Koning, R. H., & McHale, I. G. (2012). Estimating match and world cup winning probabilities. In W. Maennig, & A. Zimbalist (Eds.), International handbook on the economics of mega sports events (pp. 177 - 193). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Koning, R. H., & Maennig, W. (2012). Guest editorial. Jahrbucher fur nationalokonomie und statistik, 232(3), 204-209.
Koning, R. H., & Maennig, W. (2012). Guest Editorial. In R. H. Koning, & W. Maennig (Eds.), Sports Economics: Present and Future Impact on General Economics (pp. 204-209). De Gruyter.
Koning, R. H., & Amelink, R. (2012). Medium-term Mortality of Dutch Professional Soccer Players. Economic and Labour Relations Review, 23(2), 55-68.
Koning, R. H. (2012). Regression Tests and the Efficiency of Fixed Odds Betting Markets. International journal of sport finance, 7(3), 262-274.
Walraven, M., Koning, R. H., & van Bottenburg, M. (2012). Sponsorship and the achievement of corporate objectives. The Marketing Review, 12(1), 17 - 38.
Koning, R. H. (Guest ed.), & Maennig, W. (Guest ed.) (2012). Sports Economics: Present and Future Impact on General Economics. Jahrbücher fur Nationalokonomie und Statistik, 232(2).
Koning, R. H., & Maennig, W. (Eds.) (2012). Sports Economics: Present and Future Impact on General Economics. De Gruyter.
Haan, M. A., Koning, R. H., & van Witteloostuijn, A. (2012). The Effects of Institutional Change in European Soccer. Jahrbucher fur nationalokonomie und statistik, 232(3), 318-335.
Haan, M., Koning, R., & Van Witteloostuijn, A. (2012). The Effects of Institutional Change in European Soccer. In R. H. Koning, & W. Maenning (Eds.), Sports Economics: Present and Future Impact on General Economics (pp. 318-335). De Gruyter.


Koning, R. H. (2011). Home advantage in professional tennis. Journal of Sports Sciences, 29(1), 19-27. Article 929806930.


Wijbenga, B. S., Koning, R. H., Kooistra - Akse, B., Bolt, S., Kuks, J. B. M., van Zanten-Timmer, G., Veening, J. G., & Gerrits, P. O. (2010). 'Last-minute' donations influence actuarial prediction in an anatomical body donation program. Annals of Anatomy-Anatomischer Anzeiger, 192(1), 2-6.
Liedorp, F. R., Medema, L., Koetter, M., Koning, R. H., & van Lelyveld, I. (2010). Peer monitoring or contagion? Interbank market exposure and bank risk. (DNB Working Papers; Vol. 248). De Nederlandsche Bank.
Koning, R. H. (2010). Voetbal als bedrijfstak. Justitiële Verkenningen, 1, 28 - 40.
Koning, R. H. (2010). Wat kan reguliere economie van de sporteconomie leren? Economisch Statistische Berichten, 4588, 416 - 416.


Medema, L., Koning, R. H., Lensink, R., & Medema, M. (2009). A practical approach to validating a PD model. Journal of Banking & Finance, 33(4), 701-708.
Koning, R. H., & Velzen, B. V. (2009). Betting exchanges: the future of sports betting? International journal of sport finance, 4(1), 42-62.
Le Pham, T., Kooreman, P., Koning, R. H., & Wiersma, D. (2009). Child Mortality and Health Programs in Vietnam's Transitional Period.
Koning, R. H. (2009). Een prikkelend antidopingvoorstel voor de wielersport. Me Judice.
Koning, R. H. (2009). Met data naar het doel. SportGericht, 63(6), 36 - 39.
Koning, R. H., & Scarf, P. (2009). Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Mathematics in Sport IMA Sport 2009. The Institute of Mathematics and its Applications.
Koning, R. H. (2009). Sport and measurement of competition. Economist-Netherlands, 157(2), 229-249.
Koning, R. H. (2009). Sport and measurement of competition. University of Groningen.
Koning, R. H. (2009). Sport en de kredietcrisis. Sport Knowhow XL.
Klaauw, B. V. D., & Koning, R. H. (2009). Testing the normality assumption in the sample selection model with an application to travel demand. University of Groningen, SOM research school.


Koning, R. H. (2008). Doping uitroeien? Dat kan, want atleten zijn ook economen! Sport Knowhow XL.
Koning, R. H., Kesenne, S., & Garcia, J. (2008). Governance and competition in professional sports leagues. Post-season Play and League Design in Dutch Soccer, in Rodri.
Koning, R. H. (2008). Oost, west, thuis best? STAtOR, 9(2), 12-15.
Koning, R. H. (2008). Post-season play and league design in Dutch soccer. In P. Rodriquez, S. Kesenne, & J. Garcia (Eds.), Governance and competition in professional sports leagues Gijon (pp. 191 - 215). Ediciones de la Universidad de Oviedo.
Koning, R. H., & Sierksma, G. (2008). Sport, statistiek en OR. STAtOR, 9(2), 3.
Koetsier, R., Luttikhuizen, I., Koning, R. H., & Lemmink, K. A. P. M. (2008). Teamsporten in Nederland:Kansloos of kansrijk? NOC*NSF.
Koning, R. H. (2008). Thuisvoordeel en statistiek. Euclides, 83(4), 226-228.


Haan, M. A., Koning, R. H., & van Witteloostuijn, A. (2007). Competitive balance in national European soccer competitions. In J. Albert, & R. H. Koning (Eds.), Statistical Thinking in Sports (pp. 57 - 68). Chapman & Hall/CRC Press.
Albert, J., & Koning, R. H. (2007). Introduction. In R. H. Koning, & J. Albert (Eds.), Statistical Thinking in Sports (pp. 1-5). Chapman & Hall/CRC Press.
Koning, R. H. (2007). Leidt Protour tot betere wedstrijden? De Telegraaf.
Koning, R. H. (2007). Meer geld geeft atleten vleugels. De Telegraaf.
Albert, J., & Koning, R. H. (2007). Preface. In J. Albert, & R. H. Koning (Eds.), Statistical Thinking in Sports (pp. v-vi). CRC Press.
Koning, R. H., & Albert, J. (Eds.) (2007). Statistical thinking in sports. Chapman & Hall/CRC Press.


Koning, R. H. (2006). Current and future issues in the Aruban labor market. (nr. 140 ed.) ABC Advies.
Koning, R. H., & Heisterkamp, S. (2006). Editorial introduction. Statistica Neerlandica, 60(4).
Koning, R., & Heisterkamp, S. (2006). Editorial introduction. Statistica Neerlandica, 60(4), 413.
Koning, R. H. (2006). Kristal is mooi. De Telegraaf.
van Perlo -ten Kleij, F., Steerneman, A. G. M., & Koning, R. H. (2006). Logical consistency and sum-constrained linear models.
Sahib, PR., Koning, RH., van Witteloostuijn, A., & Rao Sahib, P. (2006). Putting your best cyber identity forward - An analysis of 'Success Stories' from a Russian Internet marriage agency. International Sociology, 21(1), 61-82.


Koning, R. H. (2005). Economie in de sport. s.n.
Sterken, E., Jacobs, J. P. A. M., & Koning, R. H. (2005). Full prepayment of mortgages: The case of WU. (ING Working Paper). ING Bank.
Koning, RH. (2005). Home advantage in speed skating: Evidence from individual data. Journal of Sports Sciences, 23(4), 417-427.
Koning, R. H. (2005). Minder voetbal moet ook kunnen. De Telegraaf.
Koning, R. H. (2005). Thuis schaatst men sneller? SportGericht, 59(5), 27 - 29.
Koning, R. H. (2005). Toneel in de Champions League. De Telegraaf.


Koning, R. H. (2004). Boekbespreking van C.F. Manski, Partial Identification of Probability Distributions. Kwantitatieve Methoden, 69.
Koning, R. H. (2004). Finmetrics: Analysis of financial data in S-PLUS. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 19(2), 283-290.
Koning, R. H. (2004). Resultaten uit het verleden. Economisch Statistische Berichten, 89(4438), 349 - 349.
Koning, R. H. (2004). Statistics and EURO2004 (updated 24 June 2004).


Koning, R. H. (2003). An econometric evaluation of the effect of firing a coach on team performance. Applied Economics, 35(5), 555-564.
Koning, RH., Koolhaas, M., Renes, G., & Ridder, G. (2003). A simulation model for football championships. European Journal of Operational Research, 148(2), 268-276.
Koning, R. H., Koolhaas, M., Renes, G., & Ridder, G. (2003). A Simulation model for soccer championships.
Koning, R. H. (2003). Bookreview of S. Dobson and J. Goddard, The economics of football. Economist-Netherlands, 151(2), 245 - 246.
Koning, R. H., & Ridder, G. (2003). Discrete choice models and stochastic utility maximization. The Econometrics Journal, 6(1), 1-27.
Koning, R. H. (2003). Home advantage in speed skating: evidence from individual data. s.n.
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