Verhoef, Prof. Peter

Peter Verhoef gained a PhD from the Erasmus School of Economics and has been Professor of Marketing at the University of Groningen since 2005. His research includes investigations of customer management, customer loyalty and the purchasing behaviour of consumers when buying organic products. Several of Verhoef’s publications have achieved international recognition.
In 2013 he received the Sheth Foundation/Journal of Marketing Award for his article Understanding the Effect of Customer Relationship Management Efforts on Customer Retention and Customer Share Development. Verhoef was the first Dutch person to receive this prize. In 2009, he and Professor Peter Leeflang were the first researchers from a non-American university to be awarded the Harold M. Maynard Award for best paper in the Journal of Marketing.
Verhoef’s research results are used regularly to highlight problems relating to consumer behaviour or suggest solutions. For example, one of his research projects proved that eating and drinking ‘light’ products does not lead to weight loss but actually has the opposite effect.
In addition to his professorial duties, Verhoef is the Director of the University of Groningen Business School and Chair of the Advisory Council for the Customer Centre of the Dutch Banking Association (NVB).
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Last modified: | 04 September 2024 3.34 p.m. |