Video lecture Roelof Hut: Having trouble waking up? This is how you can become a morning person
Difficulty getting up early, trying to reset your sleep schedule, and still not feeling rested. Maybe you consider yourself an evening person and know the obstacles that come with that. In this video lecture from the University of the Netherlands, neuroscientist Roelof Hut (University of Groningen, UMCG) talks about the biological clock. Can you become a morning person? Watch this video lecture (in Dutch) for tips!
Roelof Hut is associate professor of Chronobiology at the UG. His entire scientific career has been devoted to chronobiology with a strong focus in evolutionary, ecological and neurobiological aspects of rhythms, using both data-driven research and modeling approaches. He is currently studying the effects of decreasing blue light use and sleep patterns in the 'bioclock project'.
Universiteit van Nederland
Through the Universiteit van Nederland, inspiring academics share interesting and new insights from their fields of research by means of short lectures. They bring science to life for a young and wide-ranging public by answering provocative questions in various formats. From dark matter to animals’ experiences of love: just about everything is covered.
Last modified: | 23 January 2023 11.48 a.m. |
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