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New YAG members present research in video series

07 November 2023
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Young Academy Groningen (YAG) is a group of enthusiastic and ambitious young researchers from diverse disciplines at the University of Groningen and UMCG. The new members of 2023 present their research in the following short video series: Research Minutes

Dr. Michelle Bruijn

Associate Professor at the Department of Legal Methods at the Faculty of Law

Michelle Bruijn's research discusses the difficulties local governments face when trying to implement state actions to create a safe and healthy society whilst maintaining human rights.

Dr. Antonija Grubisic-Cabo

Assistant professor at the Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials.

Antonija Grubisic-Cabo explains her study of new two-dimensional materials to tailor them to our current needs, such as reducing energy waste.

Dr. Catheleine van Driel

Psychiatrist at UMCG

Catheleine van Driel explains how prolongued stress can trigger psychiatric symptoms, such as anxiety and hallucinations, and how this affects decision-making. To overcome this, resilience can be built with the help of VR training.

Dr. Frank Harbers

Senior Lecturer at the Centre for Journalism and Media Studies at the Arts Faculty.

Frank Harbers explores the impact of Artificial Intelligence on innovation in journalism and how this emphasis on innovation, at the same time, affects the trustworthiness of information.

Dr. Julian Koellermeier

Assistant Professor in Computational Mathematics at the Faculty of Science and Engineering.

Julian Koellermeier studies through mathematical models how to predict flood waves to better protect astronauts when they reenter the earth's atmosphere.

Dr. Maeve McKeown

Assistant Professor in Political Theory at Campus Fryslân

Maeve Mckeown's research focuses on structural injustice. Structural injustice is the cummulative unintended outcome of the actions of millions of people doing normal things, which together generate injustice.

Dr. Manoela Carpenedo Rodrigues

Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Religion, Culture, and Society

Manoela Carpenedo Rodrigues explores religion plays in shaping identities in the Southern Hemisphere. Whereas the Western World becomes less religious, in the global south religon still plays a key role in forming identities and fostering communities.

Last modified:07 November 2023 11.29 a.m.
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