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University of Groningen Language & Culture Symposium, 7 November 2016 Kapteynborg Landleven 12, 9747 AD Groningen

21 September 2016

On Monday, the 7 th of November, 2016, the University of Groningen (UG) holds a symposium on Language & Culture with the aim to bring together academics, professionals, support staff, students and field experts who share an interest in the topic of language and culture. The symposium focuses on creating awareness, exchanging information (research and practice) and the application of language and intercultural competence in dynamic academic and professional environments.

The symposium will provide an inspiring framework for participants to discuss strategic policies and practices, share knowledge and know-how, learn from field experts, and network with one another on the effects of language and culture in professional organizations. Attendees will include both students and staff of the University of Groningen, and professionals from companies and organizations functioning internationally within and outside the Netherlands.

The Symposium will address the following themes:

  • (dual) language policy,
  • intercultural competence,
  • internationalization,
  • diversity in general or cultural diversity,
  • inclusion


  • 8.30   registration and coffee/tea
  • 9.15   opening
  • 9.30   plenary session 1
  • 10.15 coffee break
  • 10.45 round 1 of workshops/presentations
  • 12.15 lunch
  • 13.15 plenary session 2
  • 14.00  round 2 of workshops/presentations
  • 15.30 coffee break
  • 16.00 plenary session 3
  • 16.45 drinks

We would be delighted to welcome you as conference participants at the UG Language and Culture Symposium.

Symposium Language & Culture 7 November 2016

Last modified:13 March 2020 4.01 p.m.

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