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Asymptotic behavior of mallows random permutations

PhD ceremony:Mr T.W. (Teun) Verstraaten
When:January 10, 2023
Supervisor:prof. dr. T. (Tobias) Müller
Co-supervisor:dr. D. (Daniel) Rodrigues Valesin, PhD
Where:Academy building RUG
Faculty:Science and Engineering
Asymptotic behavior of mallows random permutations

In this thesis we investigate Mallows(n,q) distributed random permutations as we let n go to infinity. For such permutations we give the limit distributions for the cycle counts, and investigate the existence of convergence and 0-1 laws in two different first-order logical theories. It turns out that the existence of such laws depends on q, we give a full description for the case that q does not depend on n.