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Inaugural lecture Prof P.P. (Paolo) Pescarmona: Unravelling the sustainability puzzle through catalysis

When:Fr 20-10-2023 14:15 - 15:00
Where:Aula Academy Building, Broerstraat 5, Groningen

Chemical products play an important role in our daily life. From our clothes to agriculture, from transportation to communication, we rely on products of the chemical industry more than what we are often aware. On the other hand, the chemical industry is also a main contributor to the environmental issues that are a growing concern for our planet. This defines what can be called a sustainability puzzle.

In this lecture, the challenges to be tackled to achieve the transition towards a more sustainable chemical industry will be discussed. The utilisation of the available renewable resources, such as water, carbon dioxide, biomass and solid waste is the starting point to realise such transition. The main challenge is then to develop efficient ways to convert these renewable resources into useful chemical products and fuels (such as green hydrogen), when necessary exploiting renewable power sources (wind, solar) to drive the reactions. In this context, catalysis is crucial in order to promote the desired conversions with high efficiency, and the tailored design of catalysts is thus a key element to solve the sustainability puzzle.

More information

Inaugural lecture: Prof P.P. (Paolo) Pescarmona

  • Titel: Unravelling the sustainability puzzle through catalysis
  • Chair: Catalysis & Sustainability
  • Faculty: Science and Engineering

Livestream on 20 October 2023, see:

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