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About us Medical Sciences Organization SCOPE - Expertise centre for personal development Research
University Medical Center Groningen

Juggle Study

Juggle Study (since 2015)
The Juggle Study is a prospective cohort study into the motives of medical students and their connection to study performance and mental health.

Medical students are often highly motivated and enthusiastic at the start of their degree programme. However, studies have shown that they can become less motivated during the course of their programmes and that some students even develop psychological complaints, such as burn-outs. But why is that? This is the question the Juggle Study aims to answer.

The Juggle Study aims to investigate the motives of medical students and their connection to study performance and mental health during their six years of basic medical training. We also want to investigate which factors cause some students, who are motivated and enthusiastic at the start of their degree programmes, to lose this motivation later on and develop problems studying or develop psychological complaints, while others continue to be motivated. It is important to understand how and why these issues occur, because people who are unmotivated and/or suffer from psychological complaints perform less well, have less job satisfaction and report more medical errors.

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Juggle Study
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Last modified:03 March 2023 4.31 p.m.
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