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Project kick-off ACT UP!- Active Citizenship through Theatre for Urban Politics

When:Tu 21-01-2025 14:00 - 18:00
Where:University Colege Groningen, Hoendiepskade 23/24, Learning Landscape

Join the the kick-off of the Erasmus+ project ACT UP! Active Citizenship through Theatre for Urban Politics, in collaboration with partners from the University of Groningen, Oslo Metropolitan University, University of Tartu, and the University of Cape Town. This exciting initiative aims to foster civic engagement and participation in response to the climate emergency and its associated social impacts. Using theatre-based methods, the project will explore how citizenship can be activated and "performed" in new and dynamic ways, with a focus on public urban spaces as key sites for democratic expression and the negotiation of common values.

The kick-off will be held alongside the third lecture in the ‘Where is Urban Politics?’ seminar series. We invite you to join all or part of the programme at University College Groningen, and engage in this thought-provoking exploration of urban politics, arts, and climate action.

The Agenda:

14.00 - 15.00 - Project kick-off ACT UP! with project partners Marian Counihan and Marline Lisette Wilders (RUG), Cecilie Sachs Olsen (OSLOMET), Anneli Saro and Hedi-Liis Toome (UT), Rike Sitas (UCT).

15.15 - 16.45 - Arts-based practices and urban politics (online) with Rike Sitas, African Centre for Cities, University of Cape Town. The lecture is followed by a response from Senka Neuman-Stanivukovic of the Transitions and Social Justice Group from the Rudolf Agricola School for Sustainable Development, as well as time for questions and discussion.

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