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A Screening Instrument for Trauma-Related Behavior Among Young Primary School Students: Development and Validation of the RaPTOSS

Differences in Well-Being at School Between Young Students With and Without a Refugee Background

Explaining teachers’ behavioural intentions towards differentiated instruction for inclusion: using the theory of planned behavior and the self-determination theory

The bright future of research on creativity in music education

The Relationship Between Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction and Intrinsic Motivation: The Role of Individual Differences and Special Educational Needs

Using state space grids for analysing teacher–student interaction in an intervention: The complex dynamics of teaching for musical creativity

An experience sampling study on the links between daily teacher self-efficacy, need-supportive teaching and student intrinsic motivation

Changes in need-supportive teaching over the course of one school year: differences between students with special educational needs and typically developing students

Differentiation and students with special educational needs: teachers’ intentions and classroom interactions

'Iedereen aan het werk!' Betrokkenheid in de klas als collectief proces


Motivatie binnenstebuiten (interview for a book section)

Interview on PhD project ('Doctor')