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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. S. (Sjoerd) Beugelsdijk


National Culture

Reconciling the individual and societal level in comparative cultural analysis: An archetypal analysis of values and norms across 76 countries

A review of location, politics, and the multinational corporation: Bringing political geography into international business

Cultural Roots of Entrepreneurship: Evidence from Second-Generation Immigrants

Extending Social Sustainability to Suppliers: The Role of GVC Governance Strategies and Supplier Country Institutions

International Economics and Business: Nations and Firms in the Global Economy

Publisher Correction: A review of location, politics, and the multinational corporation: Bringing political geography into international business

Capitalizing on the uniqueness of international business: Towards a theory of place, space, and organization

The Changing Role of Social Capital During the Venture Creation Process: A Multilevel Study

The Nature of Societal Conflict in Europe; an Archetypal Analysis of the Postmodern Cosmopolitan, Rural Traditionalist and Urban Precariat

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Polarisatie discussie bij Villa van de Berg

Value Diversity and Regional Economic Development

Value Diversity and Regional Economic Development