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Giving with a warm hand: evidence on estate planning and inter-vivos transfers

Healthy working life expectancy and the associated health behaviours among different sociodemographic groups

Implemented disability-related policies and practices and sustained employment of partially disabled employees: evidence from linked survey and register data

Inability to Work Fulltime and the Association with Paid Employment One Year After the Work Disability Assessment: A Longitudinal Register-Based Cohort Study

Adverse effects of personalized automated feedback

Discrepancies between workers with disabilities and their supervisors in reported work accommodations and associations with return to work

Preferences for in-kind and in-cash home care insurance

Family and government insurance: Wage, earnings, and income risks in the Netherlands and the U.S.

Lifelines COVID-19 cohort: investigating COVID-19 infection and its health and societal impacts in a Dutch population-based cohort

Regionale welvaartsindex wijst op structurele achterstand Groningen


Zijn oudere huiseigenaren nou echt zo rijk of toch niet? ’Ik kan drie keer niets met die overwaarde’

Netspar: gebruik meerdere methoden om risicobereidheid te meten

Meer grip op ziekteverzuim met nieuwe UMCG- datapoort’

Onderzoek: grotere kans op daling inkomen 55-plussers noopt tot minder beleggingsrisico

Onderzoek: grotere kans daling inkomen oudere werknemers noopt tot minder risicovol beleggen

Nulmeting Nationaal Programma Groningen is huzarenstukje toegepaste wetenschap