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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. R. (Romana) Schirhagl


Development of cholesterol imprinted polymer-based interfaces as smart sensors for detection of cholesterol in clinical samples

Microstructure-properties relation of hydrostatically extruded absorbable zinc alloys: Effect of Mg and Cu addition on corrosion properties and biocompatibility

Quantum Sensing of Free Radical Generation in Mitochondria of Single Heart Muscle Cells during Hypoxia and Reoxygenation

A mesh network of MnO nanowires and CNTs reinforced by molecularly imprinted structures for the selective detection of para-nitrophenol

Biocompatible Film‐Coating of Magnetic Soft Robots for Mucoadhesive Locomotion

Detecting the metabolism of individual yeast mutant strain cells when aged, stressed or treated with antioxidants with diamond magnetometry

Diamond Quantum Sensing Revealing the Relation between Free Radicals and Huntington's Disease

Elastic moduli of polyelectrolyte multilayer films regulate endothelium-blood interaction under dynamic conditions

Fast, Broad-Band Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy with Diamond Widefield Relaxometry

Fluorescent nanodiamond labels: Size and concentration matters for sperm cell viability

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Start-up GRO: Grootste droom van Diamond Visions is levens redden

Les diamants deviennent les meilleurs amis des virologues

MRI with a Trampoline

New microscopy concept enters into force

Force Scanning on a Shaky Membrane

Interview on Dutch radio station Radio Noord

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