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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. R. (Reinoud) Gosens

prof. dr. R. (Reinoud) Gosens

Hoogleraar Translationele Farmacologie


Name:                                                 Reinoud Gosens

Date of birth:                                      September 10, 1977

Nationality:                                         Dutch

URL Website (staff profile):     

Google Scholar profile:



2004                PhD in Pharmacology (cum laude). PhD supervisor: Prof. dr. Johan Zaagsma.

                        Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Groningen, the Netherlands.

2000                Master in Pharmacy (cum laude). MSc supervisor: Prof. dr. Johan Zaagsma.

                        Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Groningen, the Netherlands.



2020 - current Professor of Translational Pharmacology (tenured).

                        Groningen Institute of Pharmacy, University of Groningen, the Netherlands



2015 –  2020 Associate Professor of Translational Pharmacology (tenured).

                        Groningen Institute of Pharmacy, University of Groningen, the Netherlands

2009 – 2014    Assistant Professor of Translational Pharmacology.

                        Groningen Research Institute for Pharmacy, University of Groningen, the Netherlands

2007 – 2009    Post-doctoral research fellow.

                        Groningen Research Institute for Pharmacy, University of Groningen, the Netherlands.

2004 – 2007    Post-doctoral research fellow.

                        Faculty of Medicine, Department of Physiology, University of Manitoba, Canada.




Post-doctoral research fellows (4): Tjitske Oenema (2013-2014), Cécile Bidan (2014), Loes Kistemaker (2014-2016), John-Poul Ng-Blichfeldt (2015-2018)

Graduated PhD students: Tonio Pera (2006-2011), Hoeke Baarsma (2008-2013), Tjitske Oenema (2008-2013), Loes Kistemaker (2010-2014), Kuldeep Kumawat (2010-2014), Anita Spanjer (2011-2015), Sepp Jansen (2011-2015), Tim Koopmans (2012-2016), Eline van Dijk (2012-2016), Navessa Padma Tania (2013-2017), Mariska van den Berg (2016-2020), Xinhui Wu (2016-2020), Win Sen (2016-2020), Marina Mastelaro de Rezende (2016-2019), Pien Goldsteen (2017-2021), Siti Farah Rahmawati (2018-2022), Chiara Ciminieri (2018-2022), Benedikt Ditz (2017-2022), Guilherme Dragunas (2018-2023), Zaid El-Husseini (2018-2023), Maunick Koloko Ngassie (2019-2023), Rosa Kortekaas (2019-2023)


2009 – current            Teaching in Pharmacology, Schools of Pharmacy and Medical Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Groningen, the Netherlands.

Topics: Receptor Pharmacology, Endocrine System pharmacology, Respiratory and Digestive tract pharmacology


●        Member pharmacy evaluation committee (2009-2015).

●        Organizing committee scientific Pharmacy Day GRIP (2012).

●        Organizing team, twice yearly scientific GRIAC retreat (2013-2015).

●        Member pharmacy program committee (2015-2017).

●        Member Admissions Board MPDI (Medical Pharmaceutical Drug Innovation) (2015 – 2017).

●        Programme leader, Groningen Research Institute for Asthma and COPD (2015 - 2022).

●        Member pharmacy examination committee (2017).

●        Member pharmacy curriculum renewal committee (2017).

●        Chair pharmacy program committee (2017– 2019).

●        Board member and chair, Groningen Research Institute for Pharmacy (2017 - present).

Editorships of scientific journals

●        Associate Editor for Frontiers in Physiology – Respiratory section (2015 - 2017).

●        Associate Editor for Respiratory Research (2011 - 2016).

●        Associate editor for Frontiers in Allergy – Asthma section (2020 – present).


Editorial boards in scientific journals

●        Member of the editorial board for the European Journal of Pharmacology (2011 - present).

●        Member of the editorial board for the British Journal of Pharmacology (2016 - 2020).

Scientific executive boards (External)

American Thoracic Society (ATS).

●        Member of the Programming Committee for the RSF assembly of the ATS (2006-2014).

●        Member of the Planning Committee for the RSF assembly of ATS (2009-2015).

●        Member of the Nominating Committee for the RSF assembly of ATS (2011-2012 and 2015-2016).

●        Chair of the Planning Committee for the Respiratory Structure and Function (RSF) RSF assembly of ATS (2016-2018).

●        Chair of the Programming Committee for the Respiratory Structure and Function (RSF) RSF assembly of ATS (2023-2024).


European Respiratory Society (ERS).

●        ERS College of experts member (2014-2016).

●        Member, long range planning committee of the ERS (2014 – 2020).

●        Secretary for the Airway Pharmacology and Treatment Group  (2012-2015).

●        Chair for the Airway Pharmacology and Treatment Group (2015-2018).

●        ERS Lung Science conference program coordinator (2017).

●        Co-organizer of ERS research seminar “Cross-talk in the lung micro-environment: implications for understanding of chronic lung disease (2018).

●        Conferences and seminars director of the ERS (2019-2022); member of the ERS science council.


Netherlands Respiratory Society (NRS)

●        Financial committee member for the NRS (2010-2011)

●        Member of the NRS Young Investigator’s board (2011-2012).

●        Member of the NRS board (2013).

●        Chair of the NRS Young Investigator’s board (2013).

●        Chair for the first annual NRS national Dutch PhD course on lung diseases and lung research (2017).

●        Swierenga thesis award committee (2022 – present)


Other scientific advisory boards

●        Working group chair within the EU-funded COST BM1201 consortium on the developmental origins of chronic lung disease. WG3 focuses on the reactivation of developmental pathways in adult lung disease (2012 - 2016).

●        Member, scientific advisory board Nuvaira Inc (2014 - 2020).

●        Member, scientific advisory board Longfonds (consortium grants panel, junior research grants panel and Dirkje Postma awards panel, 2015 - 2018).

●        STW open programme panel member (2017).

●        ZonMW Off-Road panel member (2017 - present).

●        Chair, scientific advisory board, Longfonds (2019 – present).

 Awards and distinctions:


Year of award/prize

Max Gruber prize in Biochemistry


Dutch Pharmacological Society PhD thesis prize


CIHR/National Training Program in Allergy and Asthma post-docotoral fellowship award


Manitoba Institute of Child Health post-doctoral fellowship award


Marie Curie Outgoing International Fellowship award




Ann Woolcock Memorial Award from the American Thoracic Society




BSc Pharmacy Teacher of the year award


Prix Galien Research award



> 70 invited lectures at conferences, symposia and universities.

> 40 visits to international conferences

14 participations as external referee for PhD committees

Reviewer for >100 articles and >40 grant proposals



See for a full publication list. The following publications highlight the nature of my work:


Gosens R, Bos IST, Zaagsma J & Meurs H. (2005) Protective effects of tiotropium bromide in the progression of airway smooth muscle remodeling. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 171:1096-1102.

Kumawat K, Menzen MH, Bos IST, Baarsma HA, Borger P, Roth M, Tamm M, Halayko AJ, Simoons M, Prins A, Postma DS, Schmidt M & Gosens R. (2013) Non-canonical WNT-5A signaling regulates TGF-β-induced extracellular matrix production by airway smooth muscle cells. FASEB J, 27:1631-1643.

Baarsma HA, Spanjer AIR, Haitsma G, Engelbertink LHJM, Meurs H, Jonker MR, Timens W, Postma DS, Kerstjens HAM & Gosens R. (2011). Activation of WNT/β-catenin signaling in pulmonary fibroblasts by TGF-β1 is increased in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. PLoS One, 6:e25450.

Spanjer AI, Baarsma HA, Oostenbrink LM, Jansen SR, Kuipers CC, Lindner M, Postma DS, Meurs H, Heijink IH, Königshoff M*, Gosens R*. (2016). TGF-β-induced profibrotic signaling is regulated in part by the WNT receptor Frizzled-8. FASEB J. 30:1823-1835. * Shared senior authorship.

Spanjer AI, Menzen MH, Dijkstra AE, van den Berge M, Boezen HM, Nickle DC, Sin DD, Bossé Y, Brandsma CA, Timens W, Postma DS, Meurs H, Heijink IH, Gosens R. (2016). A pro-inflammatory role for the Frizzled-8 receptor in chronic bronchitis. Thorax. 71:312-322.


Laatst gewijzigd:07 november 2023 16:39