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prof. dr. R.F. (Reynier) Peletier


  1. Sundial Project
    (SUrvey Network for Deep Imaging Analysis & Learning) is an ambitious interdisciplinary network of nine research groups in The Netherlands, Germany, Finland, France, the United Kingdom, Spain, Belgium and Italy. The aim of the network is to develop novel algorithms to study the very large databases coming from current-day telescopes to better understand galaxy formation and evolution, and to prepare for the huge missions of the next decade. SUNDIAL started with 14 PhD Students in 2017, and will finish in September 2021.
  2. FDS, the Fornax Deep Survey
    In recent years it has been shown that galaxies are surrounded by stellar streams that are remnants from past interactions. These streams are invaluable fossils of the interaction history of galaxies with their environment, providing a new and very powerful way of studying galaxy evolution. At the same, wide field imaging camera's have become available, which make it possible to study large parts of the sky, to look for such streams. In this project we perform an ultradeep multiband (u,g,r and i) survey of the Fornax cluster, a nearby galaxy cluster, to study the interaction of galaxies with their environment. The survey is performed using the OmegaCAM camera at the VLT Survey Telescope (VST) , situated at the Paranal observatory of the European Southern Observatory . In depth and design, the FDS survey is similar to the NGVS survey at the CFHT, imaging the much larger and environmentally different Virgo cluster.
  3. The X-Shooter Spectral Library (XSL) project
    The X-Shooter Spectral Library is a collection of 3000–25000 Å all stellar spectra observed at a resolving power of R = λ/Δλ ~ 10 000 with the medium-resolution spectrograph X-shooter at the Very Large Telescope (VLT). The library enables a new generation of stellar population models to study the stellar populations in galaxies. The library is used to make stellar population models for integrated stellar populations. When making the library, we paid particular attention to cool stars, to optimize the models in the near-infrared.
  4. The KIWICS project and the WEAVE surveys
  5. The CAVITY project
  6. The BEARDS project

More about my projects and my research group can be found on my website.

Last modified:25 June 2022 1.06 p.m.