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Editorial: Towards an understanding of tinnitus heterogeneity, volume II

Otoacoustic emissions in African mole-rats

Comparison between two self-guided tinnitus pitch matching methods

Effects of Physical Interventions on Subjective Tinnitus, a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Hallucinations in Hearing Impairment: How Informed Are Clinicians?

Hyperacusis is associated with smaller gray matter volumes in the supplementary motor area

Performance of an Automated Detection Algorithm to Assess Objective Pulsatile Tinnitus

Performance of ear canal sound measurements in detecting dural arteriovenous fistulas

A Combined Image- and Coordinate-Based Meta-Analysis of Whole-Brain Voxel-Based Morphometry Studies Investigating Subjective Tinnitus

Carbamazepine induces upward frequency shifts of spontaneous otoacoustic emissions

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Can we find an objective way to measure tinnitus?

American Tinnitus Association (ATA) steunt onderzoek tinnitus Pim van Dijk

De meest gestelde vragen over tinnitus - en het antwoord

Neurowetenschappelijk onderzoek naar tinnitus

Artikel in Algemeen Dagblad n.a.v. Week van de Tinnitus

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