prof. dr. P. (Petra) Hendriks
Professor of Semantics and Cognition

My research concerns the semantics and pragmatics of language, language development in children, and the relation between language and cognition. Currently, I am involved in several research projects, e.g.:
- Predictive processing in children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (NWO PhD project, 2017-2021, PhD student Iris Scholten)
- Idioms in the ageing brain: The effects of age-related cognitive decline on the processing and comprehension of idioms (NWO PhD project, 2016-2020, PhD student Amélie la Roi)
Acting individually or together? An investigation of children's development of distributivity (NWO PhD project, 2016-2020, PhD student Anna de Koster)
Previously, in my NWO Vici project "Asymmetries in Grammar" that ended in 2014, I investigated the relation between language production and language comprehension in typically developing children, children with autism, children with ADHD, and adults.
Photo: Milette Raats
Last modified: | 25 June 2022 12.17 p.m. |