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Research interests

My research focuses on conflicts and violence in the Middle East, and especially the role of transnational jihadism therein. I have developed particular expertise in de cultural dimension of extremism and processes of meaning making in order to contribute to a better understanding of the appeal of jihadist ideology, violence and propaganda for the actors involved. I have studied these aspects from different perspectives, focusing on various cases across the Middle East, and using insights from several fields and disciplines, including Middle Eastern Studies, Cultural History, Religious Studies and Terrorism Studies.

Since my PhD, my research has focused on four paths:
i) religion and violence 
ii) meaning-making in jihadist propaganda 
iii) the cultural dimension of jihadist violence 
iv) extremism in the Netherlands 

See also my Twitter page


Jihadist sniper culture: propagandising the ‘caliphate’ through the crosshair

The Regional Face of Extremism: A Case Study of the Northern Netherlands

Fenomeenanalyse Extremisme Noord-Nederland, 2014-2022

In Memoriam: Fred Leemhuis (1942-2021)

Van heilstaat naar harde werkelijkheid: hoe is betekenis geeft aan zijn verval

Branding a Caliphate in Decline: The Islamic State’s Video Output (2015-2018)

“Cleansing the Earth of the Stench of Shirk”: The Islamic State’s Violence as Acts of Purification

Introduction: Jihadi Culture and Ideology

Islam and Suicide Attacks

Jihadi Culture and Ideology

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Nederlands Dagblad - Tien jaar na de inname van Mosul wordt ISIS weer sterker

Podcast: Violent ideologies: terribly and terrifyingly normal?

Onvrede in het Noorden biedt voedingsbodem voor anti-overheidsextremisme

NPO Radio 1: Onvrede in het Noorden en anti-overheidsextremisme

RUG-onderzoek werpt nieuw licht op extremisme in Noord-Nederland

Recreatief, Jeugdzorg, Extremisme

Far-right extremism is quietly increasing, researchers warn

Universiteit Groningen: extremisme onvoldoende herkend in Noord-Nederland

Noord-Nederland biedt voedingsbodem voor antioverheidsextremisme

In Noord-Nederland is de extremist zelden een jihadist

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