P. (Peter) Berger, Dr

2007 - present
associate professor (since 2014) of Indian Religions and the Anthropology of Religion at the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies, RUG
Mercator visiting professor, Frobenius Institute, Goethe University Frankfurt
visiting professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Zürich
lecturer and researcher at the Institute of Ethnology, Free University of Berlin
university education
Ph.D. at the Free University of Berlin. Title of dissertation: Füttern, Speisen und Verschlingen. Ritual und Gesellschaft im Hochland von Orissa, Indien (Feeding, Sharing and Devouring. Ritual and Society in Highland Orissa, India)
M.A. ethnology, sociology and religious studies at the Free University of Berlin. Title of thesis: Von Häusern und Gräbern. Die Bestattungsrituale der Toraja auf Sulawesi, Indonesien. (Of Houses and Graves. Death Rituals of the Toraja on Sulawesi, Indonesia)
grants and awards
(with René Cappers, UG) NWO Free Competition: Salvage Crops, “Savage” People: A comparative anthropological and archaeobotanical investigation of Millet Assemblages in India
(with Sarbeswar Sahoo, IIT Delhi) Gratama Foundation: Modalities of Conversion in India
Visiting Fellow at the Centre for Advanced Studies, University of Munich
translation award for my book Füttern, Speisen und Verschlingen, from "Geisteswissenschaften International", Translation Funding for Work in the Humanities and Social Sciences (supported by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation, VG Wort, the Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels and the German Federal Foreign Office)
lecturer of the year award; Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies
7/2003 - 4/2005 and 5/1999 - 9/2001
research funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), title of research project: " Umstrittene Zentren: Konstruktion und Wandel sozio-kultureller Identitäten in der indischen Region Orissa"
Rudolph-Virchow-Award for M.A. thesis
Last modified: | 21 July 2023 12.00 p.m. |