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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. M.S. (Michel) Brink


How do psychological and physiological performance determinants interact within individual athletes? An analytical network approach

Monitoring the recovery-stress states of athletes: Psychometric properties of the acute recovery and stress scale and short recovery stress scale among Dutch and Flemish athletes

A lab-based comparison of differential ratings of perceived exertion between a run and jump protocol involving low or high impacts on the lower extremities: Influence of impacts on differential RPE

Anticipating Injuries and Health Problems in Elite Soccer Players Using Dynamic Complexity

Construct Validity and Test-Retest Reliability of Hip Load Compared With Playerload During Football-Specific Running, Kicking, and Jumping Tasks

Discriminative validity of summarized hip and knee angular accelerations for lower extremity training load quantification in male soccer players during a standardised training drill

How Do Psychological and Physiological Performance Determinants Interact Within Individual Athletes? An Analytical Network Approach

How long does it take to physically and psychologically recover after an injury in football?

How long does it take to recover physically and psychologically after an injury?

Monitoring the recovery-stress states of athletes: Psychometric properties of the Acute Recovery and Stress Scale and Short Recovery and Stress Scale among Dutch and Flemish Athletes

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