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Nerve compression syndromes: what more can we learn?

Re: Khoo SS, Guruseelan N, Gunasagaran J, Shamsul SA, Razak I, Ahmad TS. Reliability of WhatsApp images of plain radiographs to diagnose fractures of the hand and wrist. J Hand Surg Eur. 2023, 48: 419-25

Ultra-high-definition (22 MHz) ultrasound of the ulnar nerve: additional value and normative data

Arthrodesis of the proximal interphalangeal joint of the finger - a systematic review

Atraumatische Ruptur der Extensor Hallucis Longus Sehne

Back pain of unclear origin in a patient with malignant skin tumor

Benign subcutaneous emphysema


Reporting numerical values for sensory testing

Challenging the dogma: anterior transposition of the ulnar nerve is indicated in recurrent cubital tunnel syndrome

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