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Trust and Control in Franchise Networks: A Dyadic, Multi-Referent Analysis on Franchisee Network Exit Intentions

Artikel 921 van de Wet Franchise: een methode voor het vaststellen van drempelwaarden

Entrepreneurial networking a blessing or a curse?: Differential effects for low, medium and high performing franchisees

Successfully managing chain-wide transformational change

Time to say goodbye: Explaining Franchisees' exit intentions and behaviors

To be entrepreneurial, or not to be entrepreneurial? Explaining differences in franchisee entrepreneurial behavior within a franchise system

Antecedents of franchisee responses to franchisor-initiated strategic change

Supervisory boards in high growth SMEs and mandated board members: two dilemmas

Elvis has left the building: Why franchisees leave their franchise systems

Franchisee networking: a blessing or a curse? A study on local knowledge acquisition and performance

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