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About us Practical matters How to find us M. (Ming) Cao, Prof

M. (Ming) Cao, Prof

Full Professor, Networks and Robotics / Chair, Discrete Technology & Production Automation / Director, Jantina Tammes School of Digital Society, Technology and AI

Research interests

multi-agent systems, complex systems and networks, distributed decision-making and coordination, cooperative control, adaptive control, human/robot interaction dynamics, robotic teams,

Google Scholar Profile:

Web of Science Profile:



Collective patterns of social diffusion are shaped by individual inertia and trend-seeking

Creating underwater vision through wavy whiskers: A review of the flow sensing mechanisms and biomimetic potential of seal whiskers

Singularity-free guiding vector field for robot navigation

Learning enables adaptation in cooperation for multi-player stochastic games

Design of Privacy-Preserving Dynamic Controllers: Special Issue of "Security and Privacy of Distributed Algorithms and Network Systems"

Networks of conforming or nonconforming individuals tend to reach satisfactory decisions

Human Decision-Making in Multi-Agent Systems

Applications of the Poincare-Hopf Theorem: Epidemic Models and Lotka-Volterra Systems

Systems and control approaches for modeling the coevolution of epidemics and behavioral response: A COVID-19 case study

A Communication-Efficient Stochastic Gradient Descent Algorithm for Distributed Nonconvex Optimization


De chips van de toekomst: Nieuwe materialen maken chips energiezuinig en sneller

Slimme robots om kleinere chips te maken

Regional newspaper interview: DvhN - robotics and the labour market

Agent-based study into social diffusion — ScienceDaily

How a committed minority can change society

Samenwerkende robots krijgen in korte tijd veel meer gedaan

Natuur weet antwoord

Bij robots staat de functie voorop