M. C. J. L (Marie-Christine) Opdenakker, Dr

NWO NRO-PPO project 'Cognitive, metacognitive, and motivational hints to stimulate self-regulated learning in secondary education: An investigation into an effective supportive digital learning environment' - main applicant and project leader consortium (2015-2018)
NWO NRO-OPRO project 'The transition from primary to secondary education in an international perspective: A systematic review study of succesful transitions in relation to characteristics of a diversity of European educational systems' - main applicant and project leader (2015-2016)
NWO NRO-ProBO project 'Transitions in education' - main applicant and project leader (2014-2016)
NWO Research Talent project 'Bullies, bystanders and defenders: moral functioning in primary education according to the Four Component Model' - applicant (PhD student: D. Jansma) (2013-2017)
NWO NRO-PPO project 'Self-regulated learning in the educational practice: A knowledge base for effective instruction' - applicant and project leader (2014)
Last modified: | 24 June 2022 11.37 p.m. |