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A Critical Appraisal of the Whack-a-Mole and Swivel Chair Signs in the Diagnosis of Functional Movement Disorders

A Statement of the MDS on Biological Definition, Staging, and Classification of Parkinson's Disease

Connecting the dots: A systematic review on coherence analysis in dystonia

Conventional and novel anti-seizure medications reveal a particular role for GABAA in a North Sea progressive myoclonus Epilepsy Drosophila model

Deep brain stimulation in dystonia: The added value of neuropsychological assessments

Efficacy of Hypnosis and Catalepsy Induction in Functional Neurological Disorders

Global Perceptions and Utilization of Clinical Neurophysiology in Movement Disorders

Moving across disorders: A cross-sectional study of cognition in early onset ataxia and dystonia

Moving on with (social) cognition in idiopathic cervical dystonia

Negative Myoclonus: Neurophysiological Study and Clinical Impact in Progressive Myoclonus Ataxia

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Echt of tussen de oren? Long covid-achtige klachten na vaccin

Trillen en beven: is er iets aan te doen?

Een patiënt met acute neurologische uitval. Is het wel een herseninfarct?

Brains endure virtual EAN 2021, VIRTUAL Congress 19–22 June


Waarom schrikt de een meer dan de ander?

Virtual video challenge MDS Video

Op de polikliniek interne geneeskunde van het UMCG kan bij twee van de drie patiënten geen diagnose gesteld worden

Publicatie van de week CMB

Interview BCN newsletter

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