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Reply to: Measuring longitudinal adherence to screening needs international standards

Determinants of Non-Participation in Population-Based Breast Cancer Screening: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Effectiveness of Organized Mammography Screening for Different Breast Cancer Molecular Subtypes

Irregular screening participation increases advanced stage breast cancer at diagnosis: A population-based study

Optimization of breast cancer screening: informed decisions on benefits and harms

Overdiagnosis of invasive breast cancer in population-based breast cancer screening: A short- and long-term perspective

Mammographic sensitivity as a function of tumor size: A novel estimation based on population-based screening data

The Role of Socio-Demographic Factors in the Coverage of Breast Cancer Screening: Insights From a Quantile Regression Analysis

Coverage determinants of breast cancer screening in Flanders: an evaluation of the past decade

Knowledge, attitudes and practices relating to antibiotic use and antibiotic resistance among backyard pig farmers in rural Shandong province, China

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