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J. (Janny) de Jong

Em.Endowed Professor Europe-East Asia Relations, with a focus on Japan


Curriculum Vitae



Personal information


First name(s) / Surname(s)

Janny de Jong


Faculty of Arts, (University of Groningen)Department of history, P.O. Box 716, 9700 AS Groningen




Work experience







Other positions










  • Em.Professor Europe- East Asia Relations with a focus on Japan;
  • Retired Director Centre of Japan Studies, University of Groningen

  • Academic Ambassador ( education) for  strategic partner Osaka, Stategic Partner Framework, UG, until Oct. 2024
  • Member of CALOHEE 2, Subject Area Group of History ( see below)
  • Academic coordinator/director Dutch Studies Center Osaka-Groningen untile Oct. 2024;
  • Member of the Board of the Ernst Kossmann Institute for Political History, University of Groningen untile Oct. 2024

Earlier positions ( selection)

  • Director of Studies EM Master of Excellence Euroculture: Society Politics and Culture in a global perspective (2009-2023)

    Member of the Subject Area Group of History in the innovative and highly profiled feasibility study Measuring and Comparing Achievements of Learning Outcomes in Higher Education in Europe (CALOHEE). The study is co-financed in the framework of the EU Erasmus+ Action Forward-Looking Cooperation Projects and includes nearly all major European HE associations and networks and 75 Higher Education institutions, covering together 5 disciplinary fields: History, Civil Engineering, Physics, Education and Nursing. The main objective is to develop assessment frameworks that allow for the comparison of learning achievements at European level. It is coordinated by the International Tuning Academy based at the University of Groningen, NL.
  • Director of Studies Master International Relations, specialization East Asian Studies;
  • Member of the Cluster Board, Cluster 2, Faculty of Arts: CLLiP (Culture, Language, Literature, Politics) 2017-2022
  • Member of the International Academic Erasmus Network CLIOH World, subgroup World and Global History. ( representative of University of Groningen); 
  • Chair Editorial Board Universiteitskrant Groningen;
  • Member of Core Group TuCAHEA (Towards a Central Asian Higher Education Area: Tuning Structures and Building Quality Culture) Tempus Project;
  • Chair Advisory Committee on Education (Faculty of Arts, University of Groningen);
  • Chair programme Committee, Department of History (Faculty of Arts, University of Groningen);
  • Coordinator minor Non-Western Studies (Faculty of Arts, University of Groningen).


Main activities and responsibilities

Management and organisation, teaching, research.



Name and address of employer

Faculty of Arts (University of Groningen), Department of history, P.O. Box 716, 9700 AS Groningen

Guest professor/visiting scholar







November 2022- January 2023 Osaka School of international Public Policy, University of Osaka, Japan

October-November 2019-January 2020 , Osaka School of international Public Policy, University of Osaka, Japan;

October-November 2015, January 2016 Osaka School of international Public Policy, University of Osaka, Japan;

January 2013, Osaka School of international Public Policy, University of Osaka, Japan;

October-November 2012, Osaka School of international Public Policy, University of Osaka, Japan;

October-November 2011, Graduate School of Letters, University of Osaka, Japan;

October-November 2010, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis, USA;

October-November 2008, Graduate School of Letters, University of Osaka, Japan;

March 2000, University of Pisa, Italy.





Education and training



1983-1989 PhD research, University of Groningen

1980-1982 Student-assistent Modern History

 1976- January 1983: Study of History, University of Groningen


Title of qualification awarded


Thesis title: Van batig slot naar ereschuld. De discussie over de financiële verhouding tussen Nederland en Indië en de hervorming van de Nederlandse koloniale politiek 1860-1900 ( The Debate on the Financial Relation between the Netherlands and the Netherlands Indies and the Reform of Dutch Colonial Policy, 1860-1900 (Dissertation RUG, SDU The Hague 1989).


Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

Expertise:  Modern and Contemporary history with special interest in the field of global history and the relations between Europe and East Asia, especially Japan.

Key topics and themes: world and global history; modern and contemporary Japanese society; politics, governance and economy; globalisation; transfer of political ideas; political culture. 

Name and type of organisation providing education and training

University of Groningen



Organisational skills and competences



I have a broad experience in teaching and research as well as in management and organisation.

I joined various boards and committees, such as the board of the internationally acclaimed International Institute for Asia Studies (IIAS) in Leyden, representing the Dutch Royal Academy of Sciences (KNAW) (2001-2009)





 See website, research

Last modified:07 December 2024 5.00 p.m.