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Continuity of Psychopathology Throughout Adolescence and Young Adulthood

Cohort Profile Update: The TRacking Adolescents' Individual Lives Survey-The Next Generation (TRAILS NEXT)

Quality over quantity: A transactional model of social withdrawal and friendship development in late adolescence

Self-control, Mental Health Problems, and Family Functioning in Adolescence and Young Adulthood: Between-person Differences and Within-person Effects

Social Withdrawal and Romantic Relationships: A Longitudinal Study in Early Adulthood

Robust longitudinal multi-cohort results: The development of self-control during adolescence

The social withdrawal and social anxiety feedback loop and the role of peer victimization and acceptance in the pathways


Beyond not bad or just okay: Social predictors of young adults' wellbeing and functioning (a TRAILS study)

Genetic architecture of subcortical brain structures in 38,851 individuals


Sarah (7) vermaakt zich prima op Noorderzon

Samenspel omgeving en genen bepalend bij gevolgen ADHD