prof. dr. J. (Jan) Riezebos
![Profile picture of prof. dr. J. (Jan) Riezebos](/staff/j.riezebos/photo.png?unique=1558434987573.jpg)
Management Science
The course Management science is a first-year course in the bachelor programme Business Administration. the course focuses on the development and usage of spreadsheet models and mathematical models for managerial decision support. Riezebos is the coordinator en senior lecturer of this course.
International Business Research (Research Projects in Emerging Markets)
Every year, a group of some 40 students engages in research projects for companies in emerging countries in Asia or (South/Mid) America. Riezebos supports the board of IBR and the participating students with the design and execution of these research projects. In 2023 Riezebos supervised research projects in Colombia.
Technology Management
Technology Management addresses managerial problems in high-technology environments. Knowledge of the opportunities and threads of new technologies is essential. The technology management programme was a full bachelor programm till 2016 with Riezebos as programme director and from 2012 onwards it is a track in the business Administration programme of the University of Groningen. It consists of courses such as:
Technology Management
Logistical Information Systems
Operations Management
Work Organization and Job Design
Design and Planning of Production
Data Mining and its Applications
Management of Product Innovation
International Business Supply Chain Marketing
Organisation, Technology and Change
Design practice
Last modified: | 25 August 2023 08.53 a.m. |