J.P.H. (Jaana) Serres, PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher in Media, Cultural Industries & Society
j.p.h.serres rug.nl
Jaana Serres is an anthropologist with a focus on global flows of popular culture in Africa and the Middle East. Her research investigates the construction of citizenship and practices of future-making through the lens of transnational cultural entrepreneurship. From 2018 to 2021, Jaana was the Ioma Evans-Pritchard scholar in the social anthropology of Africa at Oxford University, where she completed her PhD on the "Africa to the world" movement in the Nigerian music industry. Her research has been funded by the Wenner-Gren Foundation (U.S.), the French Development Agency, the British Forum for Ethnomusicology and the Dutch National Sector Plan for the Social Sciences & Humanities, among others. Prior to her academic career, Jaana practiced law in New York, Paris and London.
Last modified: | 20 June 2024 08.43 a.m. |