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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons J.M. Boonstra, BSc


Exploring exposure guided treatment optimisation of antifungal drugs in critically-ill patients with invasive candidiasis

Population Pharmacokinetic Model and Optimal Sampling Strategies for Micafungin in Critically Ill Patients Diagnosed with Invasive Candidiasis

Reply to Van Daele et al., "Fluconazole Underexposure in Critically Ill Patients: a Matter of Using the Right Targets?"

Invasive Candidiasis in the Elderly: Considerations for Drug Therapy

Simple and robust LC-MS/MS analysis method for therapeutic drug monitoring of micafungin

Pharmacokinetic properties of micafungin in critically ill patients diagnosed with invasive candidiasis

Fluconazole exposure in patient on the ICU with invasive candidiasis: A prospective study

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