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About us Practical matters How to find us J.L. (Julia) Kamenz, Dr


Biometric Recognition of African Clawed Frogs

Bistable, Biphasic Regulation of PP2A-B55 Accounts for the Dynamics of Mitotic Substrate Phosphorylation

Real-Time Monitoring of APC /C-Mediated Substrate Degradation Using Xenopus laevis Egg Extracts

The Apparent Requirement for Protein Synthesis during G2 Phase Is due to Checkpoint Activation

Cell-Cycle Regulation of Dynamic ChromosomeAssociation of the Condensin Complex

The Temporal Ordering of Cell-Cycle Phosphorylation

Time To Split Up: Dynamics of Chromosome Separation

Robust Ordering of Anaphase Events by AdaptiveThresholds and Competing Degradation Pathways

In vitro reconstitution of a cellular phase-transition process that involves the mRNA decapping machinery

Slow checkpoint activation kinetics as a safety device in anaphase

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NWO Summit subsidie voor onderzoek naar moleculaire basis van leven

NWO Summit grant for research into the molecular basis of life

NWO XS-subsidie voor Kamenz en Onck

NWO XS grant for Kamenz and Onck

ERC Starting Grants (1,5 miljoen euro) voor vijf RUG-onderzoekers

ERC Starting Grant voor vier onderzoekers van de Faculty of Science and Engineering

ERC Starting Grant for four researchers of the Faculty of Science and Engineering

Vijf RUG-wetenschappers slepen elk 1,5 miljoen aan subsidies in de wacht

Europese miljoenensubsidie voor vijf RUG-wetenschappers

Zesentwintig grensverleggende onderzoeksprojecten van start via Open Competitie ENW – XS

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