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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. J.J. van der Meere

prof. dr. J.J. van der Meere

Professor in bio and neuropsychology of developmental disorders at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Profielfoto van prof. dr. J.J. van der Meere
050 36 36549 (secretariaat)


Associating executive dysfunction with behavioral and socioemotional problems in children with epilepsy. A systematic review

Executive and Daily Life Functioning Influence the Relationship Between ADHD and Mood Symptoms in University Students

Cognitive control deficits in pediatric frontal lobe epilepsy

Error monitoring and daily life executive functioning

The burden of parenting children with frontal lobe epilepsy

Executive and behavioral functioning in pediatric frontal lobe epilepsy

Cognitive Profile and Mental Health in Adult Phenylketonuria: A PKU-COBESO Study

Long-Term Follow-Up of Cognition and Mental Health in Adult Phenylketonuria: A PKU-COBESO Study

Long-Term Follow-Up of Cognition and Mental Health in Adult Phenylketonuria: A PKU-COBESO Study

Toestandregulatie, hersenlateralisatie en ADHD-symptomatologie bij volwassenen

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