dr. J. (John) Exalto
assistant professor theory and history of education

j.exalto rug.nl
John Exalto (PhD Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 2005) works in the field of the history of education. His research focuses on the relations between identity, religion, and education. At the moment, he is working on Jan Amos Comenius (his ideas and influences on education and schooling) and on the rise of educational studies at the European university in the first half of the twentieth century, with the Dutch scholar Philipp Abraham Kohnstamm as a case study. He has working experience at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Comenius Museum Naarden, and the Dutch Inspectorate of Education.
Other positions
HDC Centre for Religious History, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (senior fellow)
Stichting Comenius Museum (board member)
Belgisch-Nederlandse Vereniging voor de Geschiedenis van Opvoeding en Onderwijs (BENGOO) (vice president)
Wetenschappelijke Raad van Advies Nationaal Onderwijsmuseum (member)
Dutch Bible Belt Network (co-founder and board member)
Studia Comeniana et historica (member of the international advisory board)
Siedlce Comeniological Research Bulletin (member of the international advisory board)
Neue Schriften zur Comenius-Forschung (NSC), Nomos-Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden (editorial board member)
Reading Primers Special Interest Group, International Society for Historical and Systematic Research on Schoolbooks and Educational Media (member)
Jaarboek voor de Geschiedenis van het Nederlands Protestantisme na 1800 (editorial board member)
Stichting Comenius Museum (board member)
Belgisch-Nederlandse Vereniging voor de Geschiedenis van Opvoeding en Onderwijs (BENGOO) (vice president)
Wetenschappelijke Raad van Advies Nationaal Onderwijsmuseum (member)
Dutch Bible Belt Network (co-founder and board member)
Studia Comeniana et historica (member of the international advisory board)
Siedlce Comeniological Research Bulletin (member of the international advisory board)
Neue Schriften zur Comenius-Forschung (NSC), Nomos-Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden (editorial board member)
Reading Primers Special Interest Group, International Society for Historical and Systematic Research on Schoolbooks and Educational Media (member)
Jaarboek voor de Geschiedenis van het Nederlands Protestantisme na 1800 (editorial board member)
Last modified: | 01 March 2024 3.13 p.m. |