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Spatial conflict resolution in marine spatial plans and permitting procedures for offshore wind energy: an analysis of measures adopted in Denmark, England and the Netherlands

A deep dive into joined-up offshore energy in the North Sea

Developing Offshore Storage and Transport Alternatives: Findings from four years of interdisciplinary research

Interdisciplinary perspectives on offshore energy system integration in the North Sea: A systematic literature review

Mariene ruimtelijke planning op de Noordzee

SEAs for seas: Strategic environmental assessment for more strategic and environmentally-oriented marine spatial planning processes

Exploring agenda-setting of offshore energy innovations: Niche-regime interactions in Dutch Marine Spatial Planning processes

Agenda-setting of offshore energy innovations in Marine Spatial Planning: Offshore energy storage and transport infrastructure in the Dutch North Sea


Regulering van Energie-infrastructuur, met Juul Kusters van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen