J.A. (Anne) Beaulieu, Prof
Aletta Jacobs Chair of Knowledge Infrastructures; Director Knowledge Infrastructures Department

j.a.beaulieu rug.nl
Prof. Anne Beaulieu holds the Aletta Jacobs Chair of Knowledge Infrastructures at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands.
Her research and teaching provide insights into how data is created, synthesized and transformed into evidence. She also studies how databases, platforms and data flows shape what we know and who has access to this knowledge. She is currently working on how to transform knowledge infrastructures to contribute to liveable futures.
Her research and teaching provide insights into how data is created, synthesized and transformed into evidence. She also studies how databases, platforms and data flows shape what we know and who has access to this knowledge. She is currently working on how to transform knowledge infrastructures to contribute to liveable futures.
Other positions
*Research Fellow, Institute for Advanced Studies and Data Science Centre, Amsterdam (2023-2024)
*Chair of editorial board, Liveable Futures Series, Amsterdam University Press (2024-present)
*Chair NWO committee/voorzitterschap NWO beoordelingscommissie ‘KIC Samenwerking in missiegedreven innovatie' (August 2022- July 2023)
*Committee member Bevorderen van Verantwoorde Onderzoekspraktijken (commissie BVO, ZonMW) (2021-2023)
Board Member of Data Fryslân (2022-2024)
*National Co-coordinator STS training for PhDs (2028-2022)
*Board Member King of the Meadows (Stichting Celebrating Diversity) (2020-2022)
*Visiting Research Fellow, Samuel von Pufendorf Institute, Lund University (2017-2018)
*Director Data Research Centre, University of Groningen (2019-2023)
*Chair of editorial board, Liveable Futures Series, Amsterdam University Press (2024-present)
*Chair NWO committee/voorzitterschap NWO beoordelingscommissie ‘KIC Samenwerking in missiegedreven innovatie' (August 2022- July 2023)
*Committee member Bevorderen van Verantwoorde Onderzoekspraktijken (commissie BVO, ZonMW) (2021-2023)
Board Member of Data Fryslân (2022-2024)
*National Co-coordinator STS training for PhDs (2028-2022)
*Board Member King of the Meadows (Stichting Celebrating Diversity) (2020-2022)
*Visiting Research Fellow, Samuel von Pufendorf Institute, Lund University (2017-2018)
*Director Data Research Centre, University of Groningen (2019-2023)
Last modified: | 09 September 2024 5.24 p.m. |