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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. H.J. (Henkjan) Verkade


Emerging drugs for the treatment of progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis: a focus on phase II and III trials

Old habits die hard: The age at Kasai portoenterostomy in European infants with biliary atresia

Old habits die hard: The age at Kasai portoenterostomy in European infants with biliary atresia

Safety and efficacy of elexacaftor/tezacaftor/ivacaftor in people with Cystic Fibrosis following liver transplantation: A systematic review

Towards a Standardized Classification of the Hepatobiliary Manifestations in Cystic Fibrosis (CFHBI): A Joint ESPGHAN/NASPGHAN Position Paper

Transmission and dynamics of mother-infant gut viruses during pregnancy and early life

Treatment strategies for hepatic artery complications after pediatric liver transplantation: A systematic review

Albuminuria and markers for cardiovascular risk in 12-year-olds from the general Dutch population: a cross-sectional study

Analysis of long-term treatment effects of odevixibat on clinical outcomes in children with progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis in odevixibat clinical studies vs external controls from the NAPPED database

Bile Acid Sequestration via Colesevelam Reduces Bile Acid Hydrophobicity and Improves Liver Pathology in Cyp2c70-/- Mice with a Human-like Bile Acid Composition

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Toename acute hepatitis bij jonge kinderen mogelijk door overdraagbare oorzaak

Al drie levertransplantaties na mysterieuze kinderhepatitis: dit weten we inmiddels

RIVM en WHO waarschuwen voor leverziekte onder kinderen

Bijzonder goede prognose voor kinderen na levertransplantatie

Prognose voor kinderen die levertransplantatie ondergaan erg goed

Onderzoek UMCG: Getransplanteerde lever bij kind blijft vaak decennialang werken

Levertransplantaties voor kinderen opvallend succesvol

Interview national radio (NPO1): "Met het oog op morgen"

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