H. (Halit) Gonenc, Dr
Associate Professor, Program Director MSc International Financial Management

h.gonenc rug.nl
Teaching Management
Academic Director of MSc in International Financial Management
PhD Supervision
Di Yan, Chinese Business Groups
I also supervise master theses in the MSc International Financial Management programme in each term.
Educational Achievements
2019 - 2020: One of the top 5 most valued courses: The first place
Course: Corporate Financial Restructuring (EBB088A05) in the programme of BSc E&BE-BE, evaluation score: 4.9 A+ -
2018 - 2019: One of the top 5 most valued courses: The fifth place
Course: International Risk Analysis and Research (EBM099B05) in the programme of MSc IFM, evaluation score: 4.6 A+ -
2017 - 2018: One of the top 5 most valued courses: The first place
Course: Corporate Financial Restructuring (EBB088A05) in the programme of BSc E&BE-BE, evaluation score: 4.7 A+ -
2016 - 2017: One of the top 5 most valued courses: The fifth place
Course: Corporate Financial Restructuring (EBB088A05) in the programme of BSc E&BE-BE, evaluation score: 4.5 A+
Last modified: | 31 December 2023 09.15 a.m. |