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prof. dr. F. (Fanny) Janssen

Honorary Professor "Mortality and Longevity" (Faculty of Spatial Sciences)


Advances in mortality forecasting: introduction

Maximum human lifespan may increase to 125 years

The contribution of alcohol to the East-West life expectancy gap in Europe from 1990 onward

The future of smoking-attributable mortality: The case of England & Wales, Denmark and the Netherlands

Including the smoking epidemic in internationally coherent mortality projections

ICD coding changes and discontinuities in trends in cause-specific mortality in six European countries, 1950-99

Contributions of causes of death to differentials in life expectancy by internal migrant status in the Netherlands. A population register based study, 2015–2019

Enabling the examination of long-term mortality trends by educational level for England and Wales in a time-consistent and internationally comparable manner

Trends in educational inequalities in smoking-attributable mortality and their impact on changes in general mortality inequalities: evidence from England and Wales, Finland, and Italy (Turin)

Contributions of age groups and causes of death to the sex gap in lifespan variation in Europe

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Attention for the PhD thesis by Nikoletta Vidra at the Voeding Online (in Dutch)

Attention for the PhD thesis by Sergi Trias Llimos by GGZtotaal

Nieuwe sterfteprognosemethode leidt tot hogere toekomstige levensverwachting in Europa

Past and Future Alcohol-Attributable Mortality in Europe

Vijf onderzoekers slepen topbeurs van anderhalf miljoen euro binnen

Forse beurs voor vijf Groninger onderzoekers

Vijf ervaren Groningse onderzoekers ontvangen een Vici-beurs

Vijf Vici’s voor Groningse onderzoekers

Vijf Groningse wetenschappers krijgen ieder 1,5 miljoen euro (en dit gaan ze er mee doen)

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