F.F.M. (Fadi) Mohsen, PhD

f.f.m.mohsen rug.nl
I joined the Computer Science department, Faculty of Science and Engineering at University of Groningen as a Postdoctoral Fellow in July 2019. In May 1, 2022 I started a new position with the CS department as an Assistant Professor. Prior to joining RUG, I was working at the University of Michigan-Flint as an Assistant Professor of Computer Science between July 2016 and June 2019.Prior to that, I had been in the College of Computing and Informatics at University of North Carolina at Charlotte for my Ph.D. My Ph.D. advisor was Mohamed Shehab . Before joining UNC Charlotte, I had been in the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences at University of Colorado at Colorado Springs and King Abdullah II School of Information Technology at University of Jordan for my Master and Bachelor degree, respectively.My research interests lie in the field of cyber security, particularly in web, computer and mobile phones security. My research investigates the security and privacy risks of third-party applications in computing system by analyzing the access control mechanisms, finding possible vulnerabilities, implementing countermeasures, and studying users’ awareness and comprehension to the vulnerabilities and the countermeasures. Over the last year and a half I have been working on projects that involve using data and text mining techniques to detect Android malicious apps and recommend safe apps for mobile users to download on their phones.
Research Projects:
Countering Intrusive and Low Quality Apps
Profiling and Detecting Malware Samples
Moving Target Defense
1. Fadi Mohsen, Hamed Abed Alhaq, and Halil Bisgin Security-Centric Ranking Algorithm and Two Privacy Scores To Mitigate Intrusive Apps. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, submitted on September 2019.
2. Fadi Mohsen and Haadi Jaafarian. Raising the Bar Really High: An MTD Approach to Protect Data in Embedded Browsers IEEE COMPSAC 2019.
3. Fadi Mohsen, Hamed Abdel-Haq, Halil Bisgin, Andrew Jolly and Michael Szczepanksi. Countering Intrusiveness Using New Security-Centric Ranking Algorithm Built On Top of Elasticsearch. IEEE TrustCom 2018.
4. Fadi Mohsen, Fadi Mohsen, Halil Bisgin, Zachary Scott and Kyle Straitb. Detecting Android Malwares By Mining Statically Registered Broadcast Receivers. The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Collaboration and Internet Computing 2017.
5. Fadi Mohsen and Mohamed Shehab. Hardening the OAuth-WebView Implementations in Android Applications by Re-factoring the Chromium Library, the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Collaboration and Internet Computing 2016.
6. Halil Bisgin , Fadi Mohsen, and Vincent Nwobodo. Assessing Android Broadcast Receivers and Permissions for Malware Detection. [Under submission].
7. Fadi Mohsen, Mohamed Shehab and Maxamilliano Lange. Investigating the User Agent Strings of Popular Browsers for Privacy Leakage and Deception. [Under preparation].
8. Fadi Mohsen and Hamed Abed Alhaq. A Close Look at Removed Third-party Applications from Google Play Store. [Under Preparation].
Fadi Mohsen and Kurt Weinert. Lessons Learned: A Study of Major Cyber Attacks. [Under preparation].
9. Fadi Mohsen, Emmanuel Bello-Ogunu, and Mohamed Shehab. Investigating the Keylogging threat in Android - User Perspective. 2nd IEEE International Conference on Mobile and Secure Services (MobiSecServ) 2016.
10. Mohamed Shehab and Fadi Mohsen. Towards Enhancing the Security of OAuth Implementations In Smart Phones. IEEE International Conference on Mobile Services (MS) 2014.
11. Fadi Mohsen and Mohamed Shehab. Android Keylogging Threat. 9th IEEE International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing (Collaborate) 2013.
12. Duan, Y.Wang, Fadi Mohsen, and E.Al-Shaer. Private and Anonymous Data Storage and Distribution in Cloud. IEEE 10th International Conference on Services Computing (SCC) 2013.
13. Fadi Mohsen and Mohamed Shehab. Proposing and Testing New Security Cue Designs for OAuth-WebView-Embedded Mobile Applications. 2nd International Workshop on Internet-scale Clouds and Big Data (ISCBD) 2017.
14. Fadi Mohsen and Mohamed Shehab. The Listening Patterns to System Events by Benign and Malicious Android Apps. Workshop on Privacy in Collaborative & Social Computing (PiCSoC) 2016.
15. Fadi Mohsen, Mohamed Shehab, Emmanuel Bello-Ogunu, and Abeer Al Jarrah. Android System Broadcast Actions Broadcasts Your Privacy. (Poster). 21st ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS) 2014.
16. Mohamed Shehab and Fadi Mohsen. Secure OAuth Implementations in Smart Phones. (Poster). 4th ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (CODASPY) 2014.
17. Mohammad Rahman, Fadi Mohsen and Ehab Al-Shaer. A Formal Model for Sustainable Vehicle-to-Grid Management. ACM Workshop on Smart Energy Grid Security (SEGS) 2013.
18. Fadi F. Mohsen. The analysis of performance and vulnerability of Colorado Emergency Response Networks. University of Colorado at Colorado Springs – Dissertations. Publisher 2010.
19. J Hinson, F Mohsen, J Taylor, and E. Chow. Detecting Early Signs of Insider Attack Using Role - Based Analysis and Classification ,
20. Fadi Mohsen. Privacy Preserving IODEF Processing. 2013.
21. Himanandini Mohanty and Fadi Mohsen. Journal of Student Research – University of Michigan-Flint 2017. Opening Smart T.V to third-party apps, user perspectives
Google Scholar page: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=C_gsShsAAAAJ&hl=en
I joined the Computer Science department, Faculty of Science and Engineering at University of Groningen as a Postdoctoral Fellow in July 2019. In May 1, 2022 I started a new position with the CS department as an Assistant Professor. Prior to joining RUG, I was working at the University of Michigan-Flint as an Assistant Professor of Computer Science between July 2016 and June 2019.Prior to that, I had been in the College of Computing and Informatics at University of North Carolina at Charlotte for my Ph.D. My Ph.D. advisor was Mohamed Shehab . Before joining UNC Charlotte, I had been in the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences at University of Colorado at Colorado Springs and King Abdullah II School of Information Technology at University of Jordan for my Master and Bachelor degree, respectively.My research interests lie in the field of cyber security, particularly in web, computer and mobile phones security. My research investigates the security and privacy risks of third-party applications in computing system by analyzing the access control mechanisms, finding possible vulnerabilities, implementing countermeasures, and studying users’ awareness and comprehension to the vulnerabilities and the countermeasures. Over the last year and a half I have been working on projects that involve using data and text mining techniques to detect Android malicious apps and recommend safe apps for mobile users to download on their phones.
Research Projects:
Countering Intrusive and Low Quality Apps
Profiling and Detecting Malware Samples
Moving Target Defense
1. Fadi Mohsen, Hamed Abed Alhaq, and Halil Bisgin Security-Centric Ranking Algorithm and Two Privacy Scores To Mitigate Intrusive Apps. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, submitted on September 2019.
2. Fadi Mohsen and Haadi Jaafarian. Raising the Bar Really High: An MTD Approach to Protect Data in Embedded Browsers IEEE COMPSAC 2019.
3. Fadi Mohsen, Hamed Abdel-Haq, Halil Bisgin, Andrew Jolly and Michael Szczepanksi. Countering Intrusiveness Using New Security-Centric Ranking Algorithm Built On Top of Elasticsearch. IEEE TrustCom 2018.
4. Fadi Mohsen, Fadi Mohsen, Halil Bisgin, Zachary Scott and Kyle Straitb. Detecting Android Malwares By Mining Statically Registered Broadcast Receivers. The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Collaboration and Internet Computing 2017.
5. Fadi Mohsen and Mohamed Shehab. Hardening the OAuth-WebView Implementations in Android Applications by Re-factoring the Chromium Library, the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Collaboration and Internet Computing 2016.
6. Halil Bisgin , Fadi Mohsen, and Vincent Nwobodo. Assessing Android Broadcast Receivers and Permissions for Malware Detection. [Under submission].
7. Fadi Mohsen, Mohamed Shehab and Maxamilliano Lange. Investigating the User Agent Strings of Popular Browsers for Privacy Leakage and Deception. [Under preparation].
8. Fadi Mohsen and Hamed Abed Alhaq. A Close Look at Removed Third-party Applications from Google Play Store. [Under Preparation].
Fadi Mohsen and Kurt Weinert. Lessons Learned: A Study of Major Cyber Attacks. [Under preparation].
9. Fadi Mohsen, Emmanuel Bello-Ogunu, and Mohamed Shehab. Investigating the Keylogging threat in Android - User Perspective. 2nd IEEE International Conference on Mobile and Secure Services (MobiSecServ) 2016.
10. Mohamed Shehab and Fadi Mohsen. Towards Enhancing the Security of OAuth Implementations In Smart Phones. IEEE International Conference on Mobile Services (MS) 2014.
11. Fadi Mohsen and Mohamed Shehab. Android Keylogging Threat. 9th IEEE International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing (Collaborate) 2013.
12. Duan, Y.Wang, Fadi Mohsen, and E.Al-Shaer. Private and Anonymous Data Storage and Distribution in Cloud. IEEE 10th International Conference on Services Computing (SCC) 2013.
13. Fadi Mohsen and Mohamed Shehab. Proposing and Testing New Security Cue Designs for OAuth-WebView-Embedded Mobile Applications. 2nd International Workshop on Internet-scale Clouds and Big Data (ISCBD) 2017.
14. Fadi Mohsen and Mohamed Shehab. The Listening Patterns to System Events by Benign and Malicious Android Apps. Workshop on Privacy in Collaborative & Social Computing (PiCSoC) 2016.
15. Fadi Mohsen, Mohamed Shehab, Emmanuel Bello-Ogunu, and Abeer Al Jarrah. Android System Broadcast Actions Broadcasts Your Privacy. (Poster). 21st ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS) 2014.
16. Mohamed Shehab and Fadi Mohsen. Secure OAuth Implementations in Smart Phones. (Poster). 4th ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (CODASPY) 2014.
17. Mohammad Rahman, Fadi Mohsen and Ehab Al-Shaer. A Formal Model for Sustainable Vehicle-to-Grid Management. ACM Workshop on Smart Energy Grid Security (SEGS) 2013.
18. Fadi F. Mohsen. The analysis of performance and vulnerability of Colorado Emergency Response Networks. University of Colorado at Colorado Springs – Dissertations. Publisher 2010.
19. J Hinson, F Mohsen, J Taylor, and E. Chow. Detecting Early Signs of Insider Attack Using Role - Based Analysis and Classification ,
20. Fadi Mohsen. Privacy Preserving IODEF Processing. 2013.
21. Himanandini Mohanty and Fadi Mohsen. Journal of Student Research – University of Michigan-Flint 2017. Opening Smart T.V to third-party apps, user perspectives
Google Scholar page: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=C_gsShsAAAAJ&hl=en
Last modified: | 01 March 2024 1.59 p.m. |