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Current projects


Keijzer, F.A. & Lyon, P. (in preparation). The human stain: the biogenic approach to cognition and the importance of basic behaviour.

Keijzer, F.A. & Lyon, P. (in preparation). MicroMinds: Tracking minimal requirements and forms of cognition

Franken, D., Keijzer, F.A. & Van Duijn, M. (in preparation). What does a nervous system do?

Keijzer, F.A. (in preparation). How the Sphex broke out of the loop while cognitive science did not (yet).

Keijzer, F.A. (in preparation). Meaningful meaning, embedded cognition and desire revision: The case of scientific belief and religious desire.

Keijzer, F.A. (submitted). Differentiating animality from agency: Towards a foundation for cognition. Conference of the Cognitive Science Society.


A passion for science fiction: A sense of wonder (In Dutch)

(A book in a series of Lemniscaat publishers about the passions of ‘philosophers.’ Earlier books were on Tati (Ann Buskens) and Bicycling racing (Marc Van den Bossche))


Last modified:24 June 2022 11.24 p.m.