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Research interests


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Adaptive forgetting speed in working memory

Attentional blur and blink: Effects of adaptive attentional scaling on visual awareness

A Unified Neurocomputational Model of Prospective and Retrospective Timing

Dissociable event-related potential modulations of intrinsic and extrinsic factors in temporal integration

Maintenance of color memoranda in activity-quiescent working memory states: Evidence from impulse perturbation

Adaptive Encoding Speed in Working Memory

Concealed identity information detection with pupillometry in rapid serial visual presentation

Effects of gamma-aminobutyric acid on working memory and attention: A randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled, crossover trial

Impulse perturbation reveals cross-modal access to sensory working memory through learned associations

Object-based visual working memory: an object benefit for equidistant memory items presented within simple contours


Opinie: De volkstaal als voertaal op de universiteit? Don’t do it!

Netherlands as University of the World: Nothing to Fear

Nederland als universiteit van de wereld: dat is geen schrikbeeld

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