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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. E.C.D. (Elise) van der Stouwe


A single-session VR intervention addressing self-compassion and self-criticism with and without perspective change: Results of a randomized controlled experiment

Daily-life stress reactivity and recovery following virtual-reality-based cognitive behavioral therapy in patients with a psychotic disorder

Exploring the role of clinical and demographic characteristics on the effects of virtual reality cognitive behavioral therapy for psychosis: A moderator analysis

Relations between changes in safety behavior, paranoid ideations, cognitive biases, and clinical characteristics of patients with a psychotic disorder over time

BEATVIC, a body-oriented resilience therapy for individuals with psychosis: Short term results of a multi-center RCT

Advances in immersive virtual reality interventions for mental disorders: A new reality?

Cognitive behavioral group treatment for low self-esteem in psychosis: a proof of concept study

Gender differences in characteristics of violent and sexual victimization in patients with psychosis: a cross-sectional study

Neural changes following a body-oriented resilience therapy with elements of kickboxing for individuals with a psychotic disorder: a randomized controlled trial

Virtual reality cognitive-behavioural therapy versus cognitive-behavioural therapy for paranoid delusions: a study protocol for a single-blind multi-Centre randomised controlled superiority trial

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VR, mobiele apps, helpen forensisch psychiatrisch patiënt

Kan VR helpen bij het verminderen van zelfkritiek?

Onderzoek naar inzet VR bij psychologische behandelingen

Subsidie UMCG voor onderzoek naar VR-oefeningen voor meer zelfcompassie

Subsidie UMCG voor onderzoek naar VR-oefeningen voor meer zelfcompassie

Subsidie UMCG voor onderzoek naar VR-oefeningen voor meer zelfcompassie

UMCG krijgt 65.000 euro voor onderzoek naar effect nieuwe VR-oefeningen op mensen met psychische klachten

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