dr. D. (David) Veltman
Collection Specialist Special Collections/ Teacher Contemporary History

d.veltman rug.nl
Other positions
editorial boardmember Zacht Lawijd. Literair-historisch tijdschrift
member of the board Hendrik de Vries-Riek van der Zee foundation
co-editor H-Biography
member scientific committee FeliXart Museum
member donation committee Friends of Tresoar
redactielid reeks Bijdragen tot de Geschiedenis van de Nederlandse Boekhandel
member of the board Hendrik de Vries-Riek van der Zee foundation
co-editor H-Biography
member scientific committee FeliXart Museum
member donation committee Friends of Tresoar
redactielid reeks Bijdragen tot de Geschiedenis van de Nederlandse Boekhandel
Last modified: | 17 December 2024 2.10 p.m. |