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prof. dr. D. (Dirk) Strijker

em. Professor Cultural Geography (Faculty of Spatial Sciences, Chairholder Mansholtchair for Rural Development)
Profile picture of prof. dr. D. (Dirk) Strijker
+31 50 36 33726 (Telephone)


Introduction to mobility China

Buffer Stock Operations and Well-Being: The Case of Smallholder Farmers in Ghana

Guest editorial: Changing villages; what about people?

An Initiators' Perspective on the Continuity of Citizens' Initiatives in Rural Areas

Exploring rural digital hubs and their possible contribution to communities in Europe

Place Identity: How Far Have We Come in Exploring Its Meanings?

Research methods in rural studies: Qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods

Teilhabe in ländlichen Räumen der Niederlande: Perspektiven auf Erfolg und Risikos von Bürgerinitiativen und ehrenamtlicher Partizipation

The impact of output price support on smallholder farmers' income: evidence from maize farmers in Ghana

The influence of place identity on perceptions of landscape change: Exploring evidence from rural land consolidation projects in Eastern China


Boerenprotesten overal in Europa, wat is er aan de hand? Vijf vragen

LTO en Natuurmonumenten om tafel na rel over 'wolvensafari'

Emeritus hoogleraar RUG: 'Leefbaarheid platteland niet verloren zonder boeren'

Dirk Strijker breekt lans voor behoud melkveehouderij

Solarbedrijven paaien omwonenden met 'Sinterklaas-actie': gratis zonnepanelen voor mensen in de buurt

RUG en Wageningen werken samen aan ‘schone’ landbouw